New Europe College

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1. *
Paris Moscou: arts plastiques, arts appliqués et objets utilitaires, architecture-urbanisme, agitprop, affiche, théâtre-ballet, littérature, musique, cinéma, photo créative: Exposition, Paris, 31 mai - 5 novembre 1979/ Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris, Ministère de la Culture de l'URSS, Moscou
Centre Georges Pompidou, 1979, Paris , (carte) 580p., ISBN 2-85850-002-9
Topics (ro): literatura franceza - avangarda; arta rusa - avangarda; arta - avangarda - Moscova - Paris - 1900; expozitie - avangarda rusa - avangarda franceza - Paris - 1979; arhitectura; urbanism; afis; muzica; teatru; cinematografie; balet; arte aplicate
Topics (en): French literature - avantgarde; Russian art - avantgarde; fine arts - avantgarde - Moscow - Paris - 1900; exhibition - Russian avantgarde - French avantgarde - Paris - 1979; architecture; urban planning; poster; music; theatre; cinematography; ballet; app
Position: AS/J-75 UDC: 061.4:7.036(44:47)"1900/1930"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634)
La Pazzia senile, Musica al tempo di Bianchieri / Adriano Banchieri
Accord, 1987, Franța , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): colecție de canțonete, muzică vocal-instrumentală, muzică de balet, muzică instrumentală, muzică de secol XVII
Topics (en): collection of canzonette, vocal-instrumental music, ballet music, instrumental music, XVII th century music
Position: VI/M-328 UDC: 782.1

3. Azio Corghi
Azio Corghi - Un petit train de plaisir
Ricordi, 1992, Milano , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): ballet
Topics (en): balet
Position: VI/M - 2208

4. Bartók, Béla
The Wooden Prince, Cantata Profana / Béla Bartók
Deutsche Grammophon, 1992, Germania , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): cantată, muzică vocal-instrumentală, balet, muzică pentru orchestră, muzică de secol XX
Topics (en): cantata, vocal-instrumental music, ballet, music for orchestra, XX th century music
Position: VI/M-2723 UDC: 783.2: 782.9

5. Bartók, Béla
Bluebeard's Castle, The Wooden Prince, Cantata Profana / Béla Bartók
Arlecchino, , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): operă într-un act, cantată, balet, muzică vocală, muzică de secol XX
Topics (en): one act opera, cantata, ballet, vocal music, XX th century music
Position: VI/M-2736/37 UDC: 782.1

6. Bartók, Béla
The Miraculous Mandarin, Sonata for 2 pianos and Percussion, Divertimento / Béla Bartók
Mercury, 1995, Germania , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): muzică pentru balet, pantomimă, muzică pentru orchestră, muzică de cameră, muzică de secol XX
Topics (en): ballet music, pantomime, music for orchestra, chamber music, XX th century music
Position: VI/M-2787 UDC: 782.9: 785.1: 785.7

7. Bartók, Béla
4 Orchestral Pieces op. 12, 3 Village Scenes, The Miraculous Mandarin op. 19 / Béla Bartók
Sony, 1991, Austria , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): muzică pentru orchestră, cântece, balet-pantomimă, muzică de secol XX
Topics (en): music for orchestra, songs, ballet-pantomime, XX th century music
Position: VI/M-2786 UDC: 785.1: 784.3

8. Béhar, Pierre; Watanabe-O'Kelly, Helen
Spectaculum Europaeum: (1580-1750) = Theatre and spectacle in Europe = Histoire du spectacle en Europe / Pierre Béhar, Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly
Harrassowitz Verlag, 1999, Wiesbaden , (carte) x, 818 p., ISBN 3-447-04039-4
Topics (ro): opera (istorie) - Europa - 1580-1750; teatru si spectacol, arta - istorie - Europa - 1580-1750; balet (istorie ) - Europa - 1580-1750
Topics (en): Opera (history) - Europe - 1580-1750; theatre and performance, art - history - Europe - 1580-1750; ballet (history) - Europe - 1580-1750
Position: Ud-BEH UDC: 79(091)(4)"15/17"
Series: Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung; Band 31
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Beaulieu, Lambert de
Le balet comique de la Royne / Lambert de Beaulieu
K 617, 1997, Franța , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): muzică de balet, muzică vocal-instrumentală, muzică de secol XVII
Topics (en): ballett music, vocal-instrumental music, XVII th century music
Position: VI/M-565 UDC: 78.085

10. Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
The Creatures of Prometheus Op. 43/ Ludwig van Beethoven
Deutsche Grammophon, 1987, Germany , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): compozitor german; clasicism vienez; balet; uvertură; Creaturile lui Prometeu; lucrări pentru orchestră
Topics (en): German composer; Viennese Classicism; ballet; overture; Creatures of Prometheus; orchestral works
Position: VI/M-960 UDC: 782.9

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