New Europe College

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1. *
Paris-Berlin 1900-1933, 12 juillet-6 novembre 1978: Rapports et contrastes France-Allemagne 1900-1933 / Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou; Commissaires: Jean-Hubert Martin, Werner Spies; Assistantes: Nathalie Brunet, Maja Oeri; Coordination du catalogue: Marie-Laure Besnard-Bernadac, Günter Metken
Centre Georges Pompidou, 1978, Paris , (carte) 576 + 56 p., ISBN 2-85850-066-5
Topics (ro): arta contemporana - expozitie - Franta - sec. XX; arta contemporana, 1900-1933 - expozitie - catalog; arta avangardista - expresionism - dadaism - Bauhaus - expozitie - catalog; fotografie, 1900-1933 - expozitie - catalog; arta si politica - sec. XX
Topics (en): contemporary art - exhibition - France - 20th century; contemporary art, 1900-1933 - exhibition - catalogue; avantgardist art - expressionism - Dadaism - Bauhaus - exhibition - catalog; photography, 1900-1933 - exhibition - catalogue; arts and politics -
Position: U.31-MAR UDC: 061.4:7"1900/1933"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Barron, Stephanie; Eckmann, Sabine
Exiles+emigrés: The Floght of European Artists from Hitler/ Stephanie Barron with Sabine Eckmann; Contributions by: Matthew Affron, Vivian Endicott Barnett, Elizabeth Kessin Berman, [...]
Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1997, Los Angeles, CA; New York, N.Y. , (carte) 432p., ISBN 0-87587-178-X
Topics (ro): exil - emigratie - artisti europeni - 1933-1945; arta si politica - Germania - Hitler; pierderea patriei - identitate culturala; marea migratie politica - 1933-1945; Bauhaus si exil; distrugerea umanismului; modernitatea si Lumea Noua; exil in Franta si S
Topics (en): exile - emigration - European artists - 1933-1945; art and politics - Germany - Hitler; loss of homeland - cultural identity; great political migration - 1933-1945; Bauhaus and exile; distruction of Humanism; modernity and New World; exile in France and U
Position: U.171-BAR UDC: 7:32(430)"1933/1945"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Benson, Timothy O.; Forgács, Éva; Heim, Michael Henry; Passuth, Krisztina; Piotrowski, Piotr; Srp, Karel; Subotic, Irina; Vlasiu, Ioana
Between Worlds: A Sourcebook of Central European Avant-gardes, 1910-1930 / Edited by Timothy O. Benson and Éva Forgács; Selected by: Timothy O. Benson, Éva Forgács, Michael Henry Heim, Krisztina Passuth, Piotr Piotrowski, Karel Srp, Irina Subotic, Ioana Vlasiu
The MIT Press, 2002, Cambridge, MA - London , (carte) 736 p., ISBN 0-262-02530-2
Topics (ro): avangarda - estetica - expresionism - futurism - constructivism - Bauhaus - Europa - 1910-1930; arta avangardista - Europa Centrala - expozitii; arta europeana - Europa Centrala - avangardism - sec. XX - expozitii
Topics (en): avantgarde - aesthetics - expressionism - Futurism - Constructivism - Bauhaus - Europe - 1910-1930; avantgardist art - Central Europe - exhibitions; European art - Central Europe - avantgardism - 20th century, the - exhibitions
Position: U.171-BEN UDC: 7.037(1-924.5)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Droste, Magdalena
Bauhaus, 1919-1933 / Magdalena Droste; published by the Bauhaus-Archiv Museum für Gestaltung
Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, 1998, Köln-London-Madrid-New York , (carte) 256 p., ISBN 3-8228-7627-5
Topics (ro): istoria artei - Bauhaus, scoala de arta germana, design si arhitectura, fondata de Walter Gropius, 1; arta, stil - functionalism - arhitectura; arta si tehnologie; expresionism - arta - arhitectura; design interior - arhitectura
Topics (en): art history - Bauhaus, the German school of art, design and arhitecture, founded by Walter Gropius, 1919; art style - functionalism - architecture; art and technology; expressionism - fine arts - architecture; interior design - architecture
Position: Ua.17-BAU-Dro UDC: 72.036(430)"1919/1933"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Dunlop, Beth; Hector, Denis; Aharp, Dennis; Jenkins, David; Steele, James
Twentieth-Century Classics/ Introduction by Beth Dunlop and Denis Hector
Phaidon Press Limited, 1999, London , (carte) [184]p., ISBN 0-7148-3868-3
Topics (ro): arhitectura - sec.XX; Gropius, Walter (1883-1969) - Bauhaus; Le Corbusier [ Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard] (1887-1965); Kahn, Louis Isadore (1901-1974)
Topics (en): architecture - 20th century; Gropius, Walter (1883-1969) - Bauhaus; Le Corbusier [ Jeanneret, Charles-Edouard] (1887-1965); Kahn, Louis Isadore (1901-1974)
Position: Ua.17-ARC_3S (1) UDC: 72"19"
Series: Architecture 3S
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Evers, H.G.
The Art of he Modern Age/ by H.G. Evers; Translated by J.R. Poster
Crown Publishers, Inc., 1970, New York , (carte) 270p.
Topics (ro): arta moderna ; arhitectura moderna; pictura moderna; sculptura moderna; istorism; planificare urbana; Art nouveau; Bauhaus; Gaudi; sculptura colosala; Brancusi, Constantin; impresionism ; cubism; futurism; expresionism; dada; suprarealism
Topics (en): modern art; modern architecture; modern painting; modern sculpture; historicism; town-planning; Art nouveau; Bauhaus; Gaudi; colossal sculpture; Brancusi, Constantin; Impressionism; Cubism; Futurism; Expressionism; Dada; Surrealism
Position: U.163/.17-EVE UDC: 7.036"18/19"
Series: Art of the World

7. Goldberg, RoseLee
Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present / RoseLee Goldberg
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, , (carte) 216 p., ISBN 0-8109-2371-8
Topics (ro): arta spectacolului - istorie - avangardism - sec. XX; arta spectacolului - futurism - constructivism - dadaism - suprarealism - Bauhaus; spectacol - teatru - dans - mimica - muzica - arta conceptuala
Topics (en): performance art - history - avantgardism - 20th century; performance art - futurism - constructivism - Dadaism - surrealism - Bauhaus; performance - theatre - dance - mime - music - concept art
Position: Se-GOL UDC: 7.037
Series: revised and enlarged edition
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Goldberg, RoseLee
Performance: Live Art 1909 to the Present/ RoseLee Goldberg
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers, 1979, New York , (carte) 128p., ISBN 0-8109-2181-2
Topics (ro): lucrul in grup in arta; performance - istorie - 1909-1979; performance - futurism; performance rusa; performance dada; performance suprarealista; performance Bauhaus; performance americana; performance europeana
Topics (en): group work in arts; performance - history - 1909-1979; performance - futurism; Russian performance; Dada performance; surrealist performance; Bauhaus performance; American performance; European performance
Position: Se-GOL UDC: 790.2"1909/1979"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Gropius, Walter
The New Architecture and the Bauhaus/ by Walter Gropius; translated from the German by P. Morton Shand; with an introduction by Frank Pick
The MIT Press, 1965, Cambridge, MA , (carte) 112p., ISBN 0-262-57006-8
Topics (ro): noua arhitectura - bauhaus; standardizare - arhitectura; rationalizare - arhitectura
Topics (en): new architecture - bauhaus; standardization - architecture; rationalization - architecture
Position: Ua.17-BAU-Gro UDC: 72bauhaus
Series: The MIT Paperback series; 21
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Kandinsky, Wassily [ 1866-1944]
Cour du Bauhaus / Wassily Kandinsky; préface de Philippe Sers; [ traduit de l'allemand d'après des notes manuscrits de Kandinsky par Suzanne et Jean Leppien]
Denoë/Gonthier, [1975], Paris , (carte) 240p.
Topics (ro): arta - teoria artei - arta abstracta; Kandinsky, Wassily - Bauhaus
Topics (en): art - art theory - Abstract Art; Kandinsky, Wassily - Bauhaus
Position: MT/C-1647 UDC: 75.038Kandinsky, Wassily(084)
Series: Bibliothèque Médiations; 174

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