New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 4 (total 4 t: a: ).

1. Adair-Toteff, Christopher; Adamson, Walter; Allard, James; Anderson, R. Lanier; Armour, Leslie; Bakhurst, David; Baldwin, Thomas; Bell, David; Bellamy, Richard; Bohman, James; Bradley, James; Callinicos, Alex; Dancy, Jonathan; Dawson, John; [...]
The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870-1945 / Edited by Thomas Baldwin
Cambridge University Press, 2003, Cambridge - New York , (carte) xiv, 960 p., ISBN 0-521-59104-X
Topics (ro): filosofie - istorie - 1870-1945; istoria filosofiei - pozitivism - idealism - pragmatism - sec. XIX; psihologie si filosofie - Bergson; noua fizica - atomism; filosofie - sec. XX - individualism - fenomenologie - behaviorism - antropologie sociala
Topics (en): philosophy - history - 1870-1945; history of philosophy - positivism - idealism - pragmatism - 19th century; psychology and philosophy - Bergson; new physics - atomism; philosophy - 20th c. - individualism - phenomenology - behaviourism - social anthropol
Position: A.163/.17-BAL UDC: 1(100)"1870/1945"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Mead, George H.
Mind, Self, and Society: From the standpoint of a social behaviorist/ George H. Mead; edited and with an Introduction by Charles W. Morris
The University of Chicago Press, 1967, Chicago and London , (carte) xxxviii, 406 p.
Topics (ro): sociologie - filosofie; mintea - sinele - societatea; psihologie sociala - behaviorism; atitudine - gest - semnificatie; filosofia mentalului
Topics (en): sociology - philosophy; mind - the self - society; social psychology - behaviourism ( beahviorism); attitude - gesture - significance; philosophy of mind
Position: L.01-MEAD UDC: 30:1"19"
Series: Phoenix Books

3. Naville, Pierre [ suprarealist francez, scriitor si sociolog, 1903-1993]
La psychologie science du comportement. Le Behaviorisme de Watson/ Pierre Naville
Gallimard NRF, 1949, Paris , (carte) 253p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - stiinta comportamentului; comportament uman; behaviorism - Watson, John Broadus, 1878-1958
Topics (en): psychology - the science of behavior; human behavior; behaviorism - Watson, John Broadus, 1878-1958
Position: MT/A-3731 UDC: 159.9
Series: L'Avenir de la Science; 16

4. Peillon, Vincent
La tradition de l'esprit: Itinéraire de Maurice Merleau-Ponty / Vincent Peillon
Éditions Grasset & Fasquelle, 1994, Paris , (carte) 292 p., ISBN 2-246-48781-1, ISSN 1142-3072
Topics (ro): filosofie - Merleau-Ponty, Maurice - Franta - sec. XX; fenomenologia perceptiei; scepticism si metafizica; esenta tragica a libertatii; behaviorism; existentialism; ontologie - gindire interogativa; umanism si teologie; adevar - ontologie
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/R-236 UDC: 111.83:165.62'159.937
Series: Le Collège de Philosophie
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC