New Europe College

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1. Frossard, André [ jurnalist si eseist francez, 1915-1995]
Le Sel de la Terre: les grands Ordre religieux/ André Frossard; illustrations de l'auteur
Fayard, 1969, Paris , (carte) 160p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - catolicism - monahism; Biserica romano-catolica - marile ordine religioase; benedictini; trapisti; carthusieni; dominicani; carmeliti; iezuiti; franciscani
Topics (en): Christianity - Catholicism - monasticism; Roman Catholic Church - the great religious order; Benedictines; Trappists; carthusians; Dominicans; Carmel; Jesuits; Franciscans
Position: MT/B-1497 UDC: 282:273

2. Gertrude d'Helfta [ Gertrude din Helfta/ Sf. Gertruda, 1256-1302]
Oeuvres spirituelles. Tome I: Les Exercises / Gertrude d'Helfta; texte latin, introduction, traduction et notes par Jacques Hourlier et Albert Schmitt
Les Éditions du Cerf, 1967, Paris , (carte) 318 p.
Topics (ro): ordine monastice - benedictini - carmeliti; meditatii - rugaciuni - inocenta baptismala; teologie dogmatica - Gertrude din Helfta, Sf, (1256-1301) - viata monastica - sec. XIII - hagiologie
Topics (en): monastic orders - Benedictine monks - Carmelites; meditations - prayers - Baptismal innocence; dogmatic theology - St. Gertrude from Helfta (1256-1301) - monastic life - 13th c. - hagiology
Position: 0.14-SC-GER (1) UDC: 276; 235.3:248
Series: Sources Chrétiennes; 127

3. Gertrude d'Helfta [ Gertrude din Helfta/ Sf. Gertruda, 1256-1302]
Les exercices de Sainte Gertrude/ Introduction, Traduction et Notes par Dom Albert Schmitt
Éditions d'Historie & d'Art Librairie Plon, 1943, Paris , (carte) xiv, 238p.
Topics (ro): ordine monastice - benedictini - carmeliti; meditatii - rugaciuni - inocenta baptismala; teologie dogmatica - Gertrude din Helfta, Sf, 1256-1302 - viata monastica - sec. XIII - hagiologie
Topics (en): (en): monastic orders - Benedictine monks - Carmelites; meditations - prayers - Baptismal innocence; dogmatic theology - St. Gertrude from Helfta, 1256-1302 - monastic life - 13th c. - hagiology
Position: MT/B-1087 UDC: 276; 235.3:248

4. Hamburger, Jeffrey F.
Nuns as Artists: The Visual Culture of a Medieval Convent / Jeffrey F. Hamburger
University of California Press, 1997, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London , (carte) xxiv, 318 p., ISBN 0-520-20386-0
Topics (ro): obiecte de cult - Germnia - Eichstätt; obiecte de cult - biserica catolica; arta crestina si simbolism - Evul Mediu, 500-1500 - Germania - Eichstätt; calugaritele ca artisti - Germania - Eichstätt; benedictini - Manastirea St. Walburg (Germania)
Topics (en): -
Position: U.14-HAM UDC: 7.033.4/.5
Series: California studies in the history of art; 37
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Leclercq, Jean
Aux sources de la spiritualité occidentale: Étapes et constantes. I / Dom Jean Leclercq, bénédictin de Clervaux
Les Éditions du Cerf, 1963, Angers , (carte) 320 p.
Topics (ro): spiritualitate occidentala - crestinism - surse; monahism - Sf. Bernard - benedictini - ordin monahal crestin; viata ascetica si mistica - viata monahala; viata monastica; economie monastica - reguli; cult liturgic - rugaciune - monahism - Evul Mediu; spi
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-269 UDC: 271.1
Series: Tradition et spiritualité

6. Philippe, M.-D., O.P.
Analyse théologique de la Règle de Saint Benoît / M.-D. Philippe, O.P.
La Colombe, 1961, Paris , (carte) 176 p.
Topics (ro): ordin monastic - benedictini - crestinism; istoria bisericii crestine - benedictini - congregatie religioasa; benedictini - reguli - Sf. Benedict, 490-547 - interpretare; viata monastica - organizare - benedictini
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-202 UDC: 271.1
Series: Collection «La Colombelle»: no. 5

7. Schönborn, C. von; d'Ornellas, P.; Villefranche, H. de; Chauvet, P.; Meyer, J.-M.; Lethel, F.-M.; Clément, O.; Garrigues, J.-M.; Medina, J.; Mère Marie-Agnès
Un Homme pris par le mystère de Dieu: Le Père Marie-Joseph Le Guillou O.P. / C. von Schönborn, P. d'Ornellas, H. de Villefranche, P. Chauvet, J.-M. Meyer, F.-M. Lethel, O. Clément, J.-M. Garrigues, J. Medina, Mère Marie-Agnès
Éditions Mame, 1992, Bar le Duc (Franta) , (carte) 222 p., ISBN 2-7289-0459-6
Topics (ro): parintii bisericii, scrieri despre - Parintele Le Guillou, benedictin; biserica crestina - catolicism - benedictini (ordin monahal) - scrieri
Topics (en): Church Fathers, writings on - Father Le Guillou, Benedictine; Christian Church, the - Catholicisme - Benedictine, monastic order - monastic writings
Position: AS/G-323 UDC: 271.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Sf. Benedict [cca 490-547]
Benedicti Regula / texte latin, traduction et concordance par D. Ph. Schmitz; Étude sur la langue de S. Benoît par Ch. Mohrmann
Maredsous, 1962, Braine-le-Compte , (carte) 308 p.
Topics (ro): ordin monastic - benedictini - crestinism; istoria bisericii crestine - benedictini - congregatie religioasa; benedictini - reguli - Sf. Benedict, 490-547
Topics (en): monastic order - Benedictine monks - Christianity / Christianism; history of Christian Church - Benedictine monks - religious congregation; Benedictine monks - rule of St. Benedict, the - St. Benedict, 490-547
Position: AS/G-201 UDC: 271.1

9. Sf. Benedict [St. Benoit, Benedict de Nursia, cca 490-547]
Vie et Règle du Patriarche Saint Benoit
A la Librairie Catholique, 1848, Clermont-Ferrand , (carte) xciii, 113p.
Topics (ro): ordin monastic - benedictini - crestinism; istoria bisericii crestine - benedictini - congregatie religioasa; benedictini - reguli - Sf. Benedict, 490-547
Topics (en): monastic order - Benedictine monks - Christianity / Christianism; history of Christian Church - Benedictine monks - religious congregation; Benedictine monks - rule of St. Benedict, the - St. Benedict, 490-547
Position: MT/B-1208 UDC: 276 Benedict de Nursia