Les sciences humaines et la pensee occidentale, XII: Le savoir romantique de la nature/ Georges Gusdorf
Payot, 1985, Paris
, (carte) 345p., ISBN 2-228-13800-2
Topics (ro): filosofia moderna - Romantismul - cunoasterea romantica a naturii; biologia romantica; filosofia naturii - stiinta totala romantica; Schelling; Goethe; Herder; forta vitala; legenda fiintelor; Michelet; Lotze; Wundt Topics (en): modern philosophy - Romanticism - romantic natural sciences; romantic biology; natural philosophy - total romantic science; Schelling; Goethe; Herder; vital force; Legend of the creatures; Michelet; Lotze; Wundt | | Position: MT/A-925
UDC: 14"17/18"(09)
Series: Bibliothèque scientifique |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |