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1. *
Logique et connaissance scrientifique/ volume publié sous la direction de Jean Piaget
Editions Gallimard, 1967, Paris , (carte) XV, 1345p., ISBN 2-07-010413-3
Topics (ro): epistemologia stiintelor umane; epistemologia biologiei; epistemologia fizicii; logica - cunoastere stiintifica; epistemologia matematicii; clasificarea stiintelor - curente epistemologice - sec.XX
Topics (en): epistemology of human sciences; epistemology of biology; epistemology of physics; logic - scientific knowledge; epistemology of mathematics; sciences classification - epistemological trends - 20th century, the
Position: Aa.0-PIA; MT/A-3144 UDC: 16
Series: Encyclopédie de la Pléiade; 22
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Logos et Théorie des Catastrophes: à partir de l'oeuvre de René Thom: Actes du Colloque international de Cerisy de1982/ sous la direction de Jean Petitot
Patino, 1988, Genève , (carte) 515p., ISBN 2-88213-010-4
Topics (ro): fizica - filosofie - Grecia - antichitate; fizica; matematica; epistemologie; Thom, René; teoria catastrofelor - filosofie; ontologie; semiolingvistica; metapsihologie; biologie
Topics (en): physics - philosophy - Greece - antiquity; physics; mathematics; epistemology; Thom, René; theory of catastrophes - philosophy; ontology; semeiolinguistics; metapsychology; biology
Position: B.17.2-THOM-Pet UDC: 51Thom,R.
Series: Colloque de Cerisy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Le Dictionnaire des Sciences / sous la direction de Lionel Salem
Hachette, 1990, Paris , (dictionar) 482 p., ISBN 2-01-014267-5
Topics (ro): dictionar - stiinte; dictionar - logica - acustica - astrofizica - biochimie - biologie - mecanica - botanica - chimie -
Topics (en): dictionary - sciences; dictionary - logic - acoustics - astrophysics - biochemy - biology - mechanics - botany, the - chemistry
Position: B.0-SAL * UDC: 501(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
The Making of the Modern Body: Sexuality and Society in the Nineteenth Century / edited by Catherine Gallagher and Thomas Laqueur
University of California Press, 1987, Berkeley-Los Angeles-London , (carte) xvi, 242 p., ISBN 0-520-05961-1
Topics (ro): sex - orgasm - generatie - politica biologiei reproductive; sex - istorie - sec. XIX; sex - aspecte sociale; studii culturale - corpul uman si societatea - sec. XIX; sexualitate si societate - sec. XIX
Topics (en): sex - orgasm - generation - policy of reproductive biology; sex - history - 19th c.; sex - social aspects; cultural studies - human body and society - 19th c.; sexuality and society - 19th c.
Position: Sf-GAL UDC: 305
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
La pensée physique contemporaine: science et humanisme en notre temps/ édité par Simon Diner, Daniel Fargue, Georges Lochak
Editions Augustin Fresnel, 1982, Hiersac , (carte) 639p., ISBN 2-90-411100-X
Topics (ro): fizica moderna - sec.XX; filosofie - fizica; fizica - om - societate; stiinta - umanism; fizica - biologie; geometrizarea fizicii
Topics (en): modern physics - 20th century; philosophy - physics; physics - human being - society; science - humanism; physics - biology; geometrization of physics
Position: AS/S-81 UDC: 53"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Pod linija sotsialnite nauki i drugijat vek / [editor:] Ivan Krastev; [translated from English:] Desislava Gavrilova
Tsentar za Liberalni Strategii - Fakel Ekspress, 2001, Sofia , (carte) 208 p., ISBN 954-9671-05-4
Topics (ro): stiinte sociale - studii; coruptie - Polonia postsocialista; istorie - sec. XX - Europa postcomunista; economie - rapoarte; management - resurse umane; societate - schimbari - sec. XX; globalizare; biologie - epidemii; constitutionalism
Topics (en): social sciences - studies; corruption - post-communist Poland; history - 20th century - postcommunist Europe; economics - reports; management - human resources; society - changes - 20th c.; globalization; biology - epidemics; constitutionalism
Position: L.01-KRA UDC: 303(082)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Sciences & Avenir/ Fondateur: Gérard Lefebvre; direction de la publication: Dominique Roussel; Directeur et rédacteur en chef: Paul Cauzin
Science & Avenir, 1976-1981, Paris , (carte)
Topics (ro): stiinta si viitor; fizica; astronomie; radioactivitate; laser; civilizatii galactice; genetica; mecanica cuantica; evolutia omului; biologie moleculara
Topics (en): science and future; physics; astronomy; radioactivity; laser; galactic civilizations; genetics; quantum mechanics; human evolution; molecular biology
Position: AS/P-139 - AS/P-147 UDC: 5/6

8. *
La Recherche: revue mensuelle/ édité par la Société d'éditions scientifiques/ Directeur [1972-79]: Michel Chodckiewicz; Rédacrice en chef: Monique de Mauron-Landolt; Directeur [1979-1985]: Claude Cherki; Directeur général [1992-1999]: Stéphane Khémis; direction scientifique: Gabriel Gachelin [1992]; rédacteur-en-chef: Gérard Chevalier [1999]
Société d'éditions scientifiques, 1972-1999, Paris , (carte) , ISSN 0029-5671
Topics (ro): cercetare stiintifica; stiinte - cercetare; fizica; genetica; chimie; biologie; cancer; matematica; astronomie; sociobiologie; psihiatrie - societate; laser; gauri negre; poluare; fizica cuantica; numere - numerologie
Topics (en): scientific research; sciences - research; physics; genetics; chemistry; biology; cancer; mathematics; astronomy; sociobiology; psychiatry - society; laser; black holes; pollution; quantum physics; numbers - numerology
Position: AS/P-148 - AS/P-165e UDC: 5/6

9. *
Unité de la science
Hermann & Cie, Éditeurs, 1936, Paris , (carte) 78p.
Topics (ro): fizica - biologie - stiinte sociale - unitatea stiintelor; psihologie - sociologie; enciclopedie; axiomatica stiintelor sociale
Topics (en): physics - biology - social sciences - unity of sciences; psychology - sociology; encyclopaedia; the certainty of the social sciences
Position: CP-119 UDC: 51/57:165
Series: Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles; 389

10. *
Encyclopedia of Evolution, Volume 1/ Mark Pagel editor in chief
Oxford University Press, 2002, Oxford, New York , (carte) xxi, 556p., ISBN 0-19-514864-9
Topics (ro): filogeneza; evolutia speciilor; originea speciilor - evolutie; biologie - evolutie - enciclopedie; biogeografie; evolutia omului
Topics (en): phylogenesis; evolution of species; origin of species - evolution; biology - evolution - encyclopaedia; bio-geography; human evolution
Position: B.0-PAG (1)* UDC: 576
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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