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1. *
The Zohar: Volume I/ Translated by Harry Sperling, Maurice Simon; Introduction by Dr. J. Abelson
The Soncino Press, 1984, London; New York , (carte) xxx, 390p., ISBN 0-900689-39-0
Topics (ro): iudaism; cabala - Zohar
Topics (en): Judaism; cabbala, the - Zohar
Position: G.1p0-ZOH (1) UDC: 296
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
The Zohar: Volume II/ Translated by Harry Sperling, Maurice Simon
The Soncino Press, 1984, London; New York , (carte) vii, 404 p., ISBN 0-900689-39-0
Topics (ro): iudaism; cabala - Zohar - ermetism
Topics (en): Judaism; cabbala, the - Zohar - hermetism
Position: G.1p0-ZOH (2) UDC: 296
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
The Zohar: Volume III/ Translated by Harry Sperling, Maurice Simon, Dr. Paul P. Levertoff
The Soncino Press, 1984, London; New York , (carte) vii, 420 p., ISBN 0-900689-39-0
Topics (ro): iudaism; cabala - Zohar - ermetism religios
Topics (en): Judaism; cabbala, the - Zohar - hermetism, religious
Position: G.1p0-ZOH (3) UDC: 296
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
The Zohar: Volume IV/ Translated by Maurice Simon, Dr. Paul P. Levertoff
The Soncino Press, 1984, London; New York , (carte) 412 p., ISBN 0-900689-39-0
Topics (ro): iudaism; cabala - Zohar - ermetism religios
Topics (en): Judaism; cabbala, the - Zohar - hermetism, religious
Position: G.1p0-ZOH (4) UDC: 296
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
The Zohar: Volume V/ Translated by Harry Sperling, Maurice Simon
The Soncino Press, 1984, London; New York , (carte) 406p., ISBN 0-900689-39-0
Topics (ro): iudaism; cabala - Zohar - ermetism religios
Topics (en): Judaism; cabbala, the - Zohar - hermetism, religious
Position: G.1p0-ZOH (5) UDC: 296
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Connaissance des Religions: Métaphisique, cosmologie, anthropologie, symbolisme, sciences et arts traditionnels: Revue trimestrielle/ rédacteur en chef: Léo Schaya, Michel Bertrand [vol. III - VI, IX - XIII], Jean Borella [vol.VII - VIII]
Association "Connaissance des Religions", 1985-1997; 2002/2003, Nancy , (periodic) , ISSN 0296-1288
Topics (ro): alchimie initiatica; religie; metafizica; cosmologie; antropologie; simbolism; arte traditionale; monahism crestin; Sfânta Maria; cabala; stiinte traditionale; Guénon, René; limba sacra - limbaj profan; icoana - teofanie - lumina
Topics (en): initiatory alchemy; religion; metaphysics; cosmology; anthropology; symbolism; tradition arts; Christian monasticism; Holy Mary; cabbala, the; traditional sciences; Guénon, René; holy language - secular language/ profane language; icon - theophany - lig
Position: periodic; AS/P-433 - AS/P-434 UDC: 2(051)

7. *
Jérusalem la cité spirituelle/ Henry Corbin [...]
Berg International, 1976, Paris , (carte) 182 p., ISSN 0338-8816
Topics (ro): Ierusalim - spiritualitate - templu - traditie abrahamica; Ierusalimul celest - cabala - teozofie crestina; cetate - Ierusalim - Egipt
Topics (en): Jerusalem - spirituality - sanctuary - Abrahamic tradition; celestial Jerusalem - cabbala, the - Christian theosophy; city - Jerusalem - Egypt
Position: AS/G-40 UDC: 291
Series: Cahiers de l'Université Saint Jean de Jérusalem; No.2

8. *
Modern Esoteric Spirituality / edited by Antoine Faivre and Jacob Needleman; associate editor: Karen Voss
The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1995, New York , (carte) xxx, 414 p., ISBN 0-8245-1444-0
Topics (ro): cabala - romantism; rozicrucianism; francmasonerie; spiritualitate ezoterica - ezoterism; teozofie; viata spirituala - perioada moderna, 1500-; Steiner, Rudolf - antroposofie; secte ezoterice; ezoterism alchimic - hermeneutica culturii; Paracelsus
Topics (en): cabbala, the - romanticism; Rosicrucians; freemasonry; esoteric spirituality - esotericism, esoterism; theosophy; spiritual life - modern period, 1500-; Steiner, Rudolf - anthroposophy; esoteric sects/ denominations; alchemical esotericism - hermeneutics
Position: G.10-WS (21) UDC: 273(091)
Series: World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest: vol. 21
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. *
The Heart and the Fountain: An Anthology of Jewish Mystical Experiences / Edited by Joseph Dan
Oxford University Press, 2002, Oxford - New York , (carte) viii, 326 p., ISBN 0-19-513978-X
Topics (ro): religie - iudaism - misticism iudaic - experiente mistice; iudaism - viziuni apocaliptice - mesianism; iudaism - literatura iudaica - poezie mistica - limbaj mistic; cabala crestina
Topics (en): religion - Judaism - Judaic mysticism - mystical experiences; Judaism - apocalyptic visions - Messianism; Judaism - Judaic literature - mystical poetry - mystical language; cabbala, christian
Position: G.1p0.1-DAN UDC: 296.7
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. *
Origini: Caiete Silvane - Revista de studii culturale = Origins: Caiete Silvane - Journal of Cultural Studies / Redactor-sef: Liviu Bordas; Redactor-sef adjunct: Cristian Contras
Caiete silvane, 2002-2003, Zalau , (periodic) , ISSN 1454-3028
Topics (ro): etnografie; cultura religioasa; religie - gnosticism; studii culturale - cultura; literatura; filosofie - cunoastere; hermeneutica; antropologie; cabala; misticism - mit; cosmologie
Topics (en): ethnography; religious culture; religion - gnosticism; cultural studies - culture; literature; philosophy - knowledge; hermeneutics; anthropology; cabbala; mysticism - myth; cosmology
Position: Periodic UDC: 008(045)

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