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1. Tryon-Montalembert, Renée de [ 1920-2007]: Hruby, Kurt [ 1921-1992]
La Caballe et la tradition judaique/ Renée de Tryon Montalembert, Kurt Hruby; [Avand popos par E. Amando Lévy-Valensi
Culture, Arts, LOisirs, 1974, Paris , (carte) 256p.
Topics (ro): ocultism evreiesc - cabala - traditia iudaica; ezoterism - cabala - stiinta secreta; cunoasterea ascunsa - dumnezeul ascuns; omul si perfectiunea lumii; calea - mistica existentiala - cabala pratica
Topics (en): Hebrew occultism - Kabbalah - Jewish tradition; esotericism - Kabbalah - secret science; hidden knowledge - hidden god; the man and the perfection of the world; path - existential mystic - practical Kabbalah
Position: MT/A-3320 UDC: 133:296
Series: Bibliothèque de l'Irrationnel et des Grands Mystères