New Europe College

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1. Baudrillard, Jean
The Illusion of the End/ Jean Baudrillard; translated by Chris Turner
Stanford University Press, 1994, Stanford, California , (carte) viii, 124 p., ISBN 0-8047-2501-2
Topics (ro): istorie - critica istorica; filosofie contemporana; iluzia sfirsitului - filosofie - Franta - sec. XX; imortalitate; disolutie - strategie; catastrofa; razboi; instabilitate exponentiala - stabilitate exponentiala; isteriile mileniului
Topics (en): history - historical criticism; contemporary philosophy; illusion of the end - philosophy - France - 20th century; immortality; dissolution - strategy; catastrophe ( disaster, calamity); war; exponential instability - exponential stability; hysteria of th
Position: A.2-BAU UDC: 122/129"19"
Series: Critical Theory; History;
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Davies, Paul
Ultimele trei minute: ipoteze privind soarta finala a universului / Paul Davies; traducere de Gabriela Zamfirescu
Humanitas, 1994, Bucuresti , (carte) 181p., ISBN 973-28-0501-3
Topics (ro): fizica - sfirsitul lumii; catastrofa cosmica - soarta universului
Topics (en): physics - the end of the world; cosmic catastrophe ( cosmic calamity) - universal fate
Position: B.17a-DAV UDC: 524.8+539.1
Series: Science Masters
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

3. Mercier-Faivre, Anne-Marie; Thomas, Chantal [Eds.]
L'Invention de la catastrophe au XVIIIe siècle: Du châtiment divin au désastre naturel/ Études publiées sous la direction de Anne-Marie Marcier-Faivre et Chantal Thomas; Postface de Jean-Pierre Dupuy
Librairie Droz S.A., 2008, Genève , (carte) 544p., ISBN 978-2-600-01204-1, ISSN 1660-5829
Topics (ro): teoria catastrofei - Iluminism - sec.XVIII; filosofie - sec.XVIII; catastrofa - pedeapsa divina - dezastru natural
Topics (en): theory of catastroph - Enlightenment - 18th c.; philosophy - 18th c.; catastroph - divine punishment - natural desastre
Position: A.162-MER UDC: 14"17"
Series: Bibliothèque des Lumières; Vol. LXXIII
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC