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1. *
Le Dictionnaire des Sciences / sous la direction de Lionel Salem
Hachette, 1990, Paris , (dictionar) 482 p., ISBN 2-01-014267-5
Topics (ro): dictionar - stiinte; dictionar - logica - acustica - astrofizica - biochimie - biologie - mecanica - botanica - chimie -
Topics (en): dictionary - sciences; dictionary - logic - acoustics - astrophysics - biochemy - biology - mechanics - botany, the - chemistry
Position: B.0-SAL * UDC: 501(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
La Recherche: revue mensuelle/ édité par la Société d'éditions scientifiques/ Directeur [1972-79]: Michel Chodckiewicz; Rédacrice en chef: Monique de Mauron-Landolt; Directeur [1979-1985]: Claude Cherki; Directeur général [1992-1999]: Stéphane Khémis; direction scientifique: Gabriel Gachelin [1992]; rédacteur-en-chef: Gérard Chevalier [1999]
Société d'éditions scientifiques, 1972-1999, Paris , (carte) , ISSN 0029-5671
Topics (ro): cercetare stiintifica; stiinte - cercetare; fizica; genetica; chimie; biologie; cancer; matematica; astronomie; sociobiologie; psihiatrie - societate; laser; gauri negre; poluare; fizica cuantica; numere - numerologie
Topics (en): scientific research; sciences - research; physics; genetics; chemistry; biology; cancer; mathematics; astronomy; sociobiology; psychiatry - society; laser; black holes; pollution; quantum physics; numbers - numerology
Position: AS/P-148 - AS/P-165e UDC: 5/6

3. Atkins, P.W.
Regatul periodic: o calatorie pe tarimul elementelor chimice / P. W. Atkins; traducere din engleza de Elena I. Burlacu
Humanitas, 1998, Bucuresti , (carte) 184p., ISBN 973-28-0838-1
Topics (ro): chimie - elemente chimice
Topics (en): -
Position: B.17-ATK UDC: 167:54
Series: Science Masters
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

4. Bugge, Günther [ chimist si istoric al chimiei german, 1885-1944] [Ed.]
Das Buch der grosse Chemiker, Erstes Band: Von Zosimos bis Schönbein/ Unter Mitwirkung namhafter Gelehrter herausgegeb von Gunther Bugge
Verlag Chemie GmbH, 1965, Weinheim , (carte) xii, 496p.
Topics (ro): alchimie - istoria chimiei
Topics (en): Alchemy - history of chemistry
Position: MT/A-3482 UDC: 133.5: 54(09)

5. Caratini, Roger [1924-2009] [Ed.]
Bordas-Encyclopédie: 20 volumes, volume 7: Les Lois de la nature: Physique, chimie/ sous la direction de Roger Caratini; préface de Jean Teilhac
Bordas, 1970, Paris , (dictionar) 175p.
Topics (ro): fizica - chimie - enciclopedie; legile naturii
Topics (en): physics - chemistry - encyclopaedia; laws of nature
Position: MT/A-4534 UDC: 53/54(038)

6. Comte, Auguste (1798-1857)
Philosophie des Sciences / Auguste Comte; Textes choisis par Jean Laubier
Presses Universitaires de France, 1974, Paris , (carte) 228 p.
Topics (ro): filosofie franceza - filosofia stiintelor - Comte, Auguste (1798-1857); filosofia stiintei - spirit stiintific - Comte, Auguste; pozitivism; clasificarea stiintelor; filosofie pozitiva - matematica; mecanica, astronomie, fizica, chimie, biologie, sociolog
Topics (en): French philosophy - philosophy of sciences - Comte, Auguste, 1798-1857; philosophy of science - scientific spirit - Comte, Auguste; positivism; sciences classification; positive philosophy - mathematics; mechanics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology,
Position: A.2-COM UDC: 165.73*Comte, Auguste
Series: Collection SUP: Section «Les Grandes Textes»

7. Haldane, J.B.S.
La philosophie marxiste et les sciences/ J.B.S. Haldane; Traduit de l'anglais par E. Bottigelli; Préface de Marcel Prenant
Éditions Sociales, 1947, Paris , (carte) 245p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - marxism - stiinta; matematica - cosmologie; teorie cuantica - chimie; biologie; psihologie; sociologie
Topics (en): philosophy - Marxism - science; mathematics - cosmology; quantum theory - chemistry; biology; psychology; sociology
Position: CP-50 UDC: 330.185

8. Hoefer, Ferdinand [ Jean Chrétien Ferdinand Hoefer/ Höfer, fizician si lexicograf, 1811-1878]
Histoire de la chimie, Tome premier/ par Ferdinand Hoefer
Gutenberg Reprint, 1980, Paris , (carte) 542p., ISBN 2-7144-1289-0
Topics (ro): chimie - istoria chimiei; chimia - de la inceputuri pina in sec.IX; chimia - sec. IX-sec. XVI; chimia antica; alchimia
Topics (en): chemistry - history of chemistry; chemistry - from the beginning to the 9th c.; chemistry - 9th-16th c.; ancient chemistry; alchemy
Position: MT/A-3958 UDC: 54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804)
Kant's handschriftlicher Nachlass. Band I. Mathematik - Physik und Chemie. Physische Geographie / Immanuel Kant
Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1925, Berlin, Leipzig , (carte) LXII, 636p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Kant, Immanuel - Germania - sec. XVIII; matematica; fizica; chimie; geografie fizica; postume - Kant, Immanuel
Topics (en): philosophy - Kant, Immanuel - Germany - 18th century; mathematics; physics; chemistry; physical geography; unpublished Works - Kant, Immanuel
Position: A.2-KAN (14) UDC: 14(430)"17"Kant
Series: Kant's gesammelte Schriften/hrsg von der Königlich Preussischen Akad. der Wiss.; Bd.XIV.3.Abt.

10. Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent (1743-1794); Faraday, Michael (1791-1867)
Elements of Chemistry/ Antoine Laurent Lavoisier; translated by Robert Kerr. Experimental Researches in Electricity/ Michael Faraday
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1993, Chicago [...] , (carte) xii, 806p., ISBN 0-85229-531-6
Topics (ro): chimie - Franta - sec.XVIII; fizica - electricitate - Marea Britanie - sec.XIX
Topics (en): -
Position: 0.0-ADL (42) UDC: 54(44)"17"+53(410)"1
Series: Great Books of the Western World: A Chronology of the Great Authors; 42
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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