Teodramatica. Volumul III: Dramatis personae. Persoanele in Hristos/ Hans Urs von Balthasar; traducere din limba germana de Maria-Magdalena Anghelescu
Galaxia Gutenberg, 2021, Targu-Lapus
, (carte) , ISBN 978-973-141-879-7; 978-973-141-882-7
Topics (ro): drama crestina - imitarea lui Christos; drama divina - personaje - hermeneutica; teologie si teatru - arta dramatica divina; personaje teologice - mariologie - Fecioara Maria; christologie - escatologie si dogmatica - personaje - drama divina Topics (en): Christian drama - mimesis of Christ; divine drama - characters - hermeneutics; theology and theatre - divine dramatics; theological characters - Maryology - Virgin Mary, Saint; Christology - eschatology and dogmatics - characters - divine drama | | Position: Ud-Bal/3
UDC: 792.000.2
Series: Colectia Hans Urs von Balthasar/coordonata de Alin Tat |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |