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1. *
Les "Haidouks" d'autrefois = Outlaws of Yore. I [CD] / collection directed by Speranta Radulescu
Fundatia Al. Tzigara-Samurcas, 2001, Bucuresti , (CD-AUDIO) 1 CD audio
Topics (ro): etnomuzicologie; muzica populara instrumentala - România; folclor muzical - cintece epice haiducesti - România - CD
Topics (en): ethnomusicology; instrumental folk music - Romania; folk music - epic songs of outlawry - Romania - CD
Position: CD audio UDC: 784.4(498)
Series: Ethnophonie; CD 003

2. *
Les "Haidouks" d'autrefois = Outlaws of Yore. II [ CD audio] / collection directed by Speranta Radulescu
Fundatia Al. Tzigara-Samurcas, 2001, Bucuresti , (CD-AUDIO) 1 CD audio
Topics (ro): etnomuzicologie; muzica populara instrumentala - România; folclor muzical - cintece epice haiducesti - România - CD
Topics (en): ethnomusicology; instrumental folk music - Romania; folk music - epic songs of outlawry - Romania - CD
Position: CD audio UDC: 784.4(498)
Series: Ethnophonie; CD 004

3. *
Roumania = Romania: "Cântari la nunta" = Musique de noces en Valachie = Wedding Music from Wallachia. Vlasca & Teleorman [ CD audio] / sélection musicale et texte de présentation: Speranta Radulescu
Auvidis, 1994, Genève , (CD-AUDIO) 1 CD audio
Topics (ro): etnologie - obiceiuri de nunta - cintece populare de nunta - România; folclor muzical - muzica populara - România - CD; etnomuzicologie
Topics (en): ethnology - wedding customs, ceremonials - wedding folk songs - Romania; folk music - folk music - Romania - CD; ethnomusicology
Position: CD audio UDC: 784.4:392.5(498)
Series: Ethnic Saga

4. *
German Epic Poetry: [ The Niebelungenlied, The Older Lay of Hildebrand, and other works]/ Edited by Francis G. Gentry and James K. Walter; Series Foreword by Volkmar Sander
Continuum, 1995, New York , (carte) xxii, 338p., ISBN 0-8264-0742-0
Topics (ro): literatura germana - poezie epica; Cintecul Nibelungilor - poezie epica medievala - Germania
Topics (en): German literature, the - epic poetry; Niebelungenlied - medieval epic poem - Germany
Position: Ta-GER UDC: 821.112.2-1=111
Series: The German Library; Volume 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Milarepa ou Jetsun-Kahbum: Vie de Jetsün Milarepa / traduite du Tibétain par le Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup; édité par le W. Y. Evans-Wentz; avec introduction et commentaires; traduction française de Roland Ryser
J. Maisonneuve, succ., 1985, Paris , (carte) 376 p., ISBN 2-7200-1034-0
Topics (ro): Milarepa [MI-LA-RAS-PA, 1040-1123] - ginditor tibetan - budism tibetan - biografie; tantrism; religie - India - budism tibetan; cintece tantrice; Nirvana; meditatie - solitudine; penitenta
Topics (en): Milarepa [MI-LA-RAS-PA, 1040-1123] - Tibetan thinker - Buddhism, Tibetan - biography; Tantrism; religion - India - Buddhism, Tibetan; Tantric songs; Nirvana/ Nirwana; meditation - solitude; penitence
Position: G.1d32-MIL-Eva UDC: 294.321*MILAREPA
Series: Classiques d'Amérique et d'Orient; II
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Bec, Pierre
Chants d'amour des femmes-troubadours: Trobaritz et «chansons de femme» / textes établis, traduits et présentés par Pierre Bec
Éditions Stock, 1995, Paris , (carte) 272 p., ISBN 2-234-04476-6
Topics (ro): cintece de dragoste - trubaduri-femei - critica si interpretare; critica literara - literatura medievala - cintece de dragoste - trubaduri-femei; imaginea femeii - cintece de dragoste - literatura medievala; lirica medievala - texte
Topics (en): -
Position: T.3-BEC UDC: 821-1.09"04/14"=133.1
Series: Série «Moyen Age»
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Beck, Heinrich [ed.]
Heldensage und Heldendichtung im Germanischen/ hrsg. von Heinrich Beck
Walter de Gruyter, 1988, Berlin - New York , (carte) VII, 416p., ISBN 3-11-011175-6
Topics (ro): balada istorica - literatura germana; istoriografie - legenda eroica; literatura germana - cintecul eroic; literaturi germanice - cintec epic
Topics (en): ballad, historical - german literature, the; historiography - heroic legend; German literature, the - heroic song/ epic song; Germanic literatures - epic song
Position: H.10-RGA-E (2) UDC: 821.112.2-1.09
Series: Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde; 2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Bischoff, Karl [1905-1983]
Die 14. Aventiure des Nibelungenliedes: Zur Frage des Dichters und der dichterischen Gestaltung/ von Karl Bischoff
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, 1970, Mainz; Wiesbaden , (carte) 28p.
Topics (ro): literatura germana medievala - poem epic medieval german - Cintecul Nibelungilor/ Nibelungenlied
Topics (en): medieval German literature - medieval German epic poem - The Song of the Nibelungs
Position: DS/T-99 UDC: 821.112.2-1Cintecul Nibelungilor
Series: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlich

9. Boyer, Régis [...]
L'Epopée/ par Régis Boyer [...]
Brepols, 1988, Turnhout , (carte) 252 p., ISBN 2-503-36049-1
Topics (ro): epopeea - Anglia - Evul Mediu; studii medievale - occident; epopeea - cintecul de gesta - Franta - Evul Mediu; epopeea - Germania - Evul Mediu; saga - Islanda - Evul Mediu; epopeea - Peninsula Iberica - Evul Mediu
Topics (en): epopee - England - Middle Ages; Medieval studies - West, the; epopee - chanson de geste, a medieval French epic poem - France - Middle Ages; epopee - Germany - Middle Ages; saga - Island - Middle Ages; epopee - Iberic Peninsula - Middle Ages
Position: 0.14-TSMAO (49) UDC: 940"04/14":82-13
Series: Typologie des sources du Moyen Âge Occidental; Fasc.49
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Cohen-Levinas, Danielle
La voix au delà du chant/ Danielle Cohen-Levinas; Préface de Christine Buci-Glucksmann
Éditions Michel de Maule, 1987, Paris , (carte) 122p., ISBN 2-87623-020-8
Topics (ro): muzica - voce - ideea de voce - muzica si transgresiune - dincolo de cintec
Topics (en): music - voice - idea of voice - music and transgression - beyond singing
Position: VI/C-29 UDC: 78
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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