New Europe College

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1. *
Rediscovering History: Culture, Politics, and the Psyche/ edited by Michael S. Roth
Stanford University Press, 1994, Stanford, California , (carte) XVI, 536p., ISBN 0-8047-2313-3
Topics (ro): Europa - civilizatie; politica - Europa - istorie; cultura - Europa - istorie; arta - Europa - istorie; studii culturale - cultura si civilizatie - Europa; istoria civilizatiei - Europa
Topics (en): Europe - civilization; politics - Europe - history; culture - Europe - history; fine arts - Europe - history; cultural studies - culture and civilization - Europe; history of civilization - Europe
Position: H.0-ROT UDC: 930.85
Series: Cultural Sitings
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
The Routledge History of Emotions in Europe: 1100-1700/ edited by Andrew Lynch and Susan Broomhall
Routledge, 2019, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY , (carte) 468p.: il., ISBN 978-0-367-70077-5
Topics (ro): istorie - Europa - emotiii - 1100-1700; civilizatie - Europa - emotii - 1100-1700; psihologie - emotii
Topics (en): history - Europe - emotions - 1100-1700; civilization - Europe - emotions - 1100-1700; psychology - emotions
Position: H.0a-ROU UDC: 930.85(4)''1100/1700''
Series: The Routledge Histories
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Association Internationale d'Etudes du Sud-Est Européen Bulletin [ AISEE Bulletin]/ Revue publiée par le Secrétariat général de l'AISEE sous la direction de Razvan Theodorescu
Editura Enciclopedica, 1999, Bucuresti , (periodic) , ISBN 973-45-0278-6
Topics (ro): istorie - Europa de Sud-Est; cultura si civilizatie - Europa de Sud-Est
Topics (en): history - South-Eastern Europe; culture and civilization - South-Eastern Europe
Position: periodic UDC: 94(4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
International Congress of the European Middle Ages = Congrès International sur l'Europe médiévale = Internationaler Kongreß zum europäischen Mittelalter = Congresso internazionale di ricerca de la Europa medieval = Internationaal wetenschappelijk congres betreffende de Europese middeleeuwen: c. 300-1500): programme/ Institute for Medieval Studies
University of Leeds. Institute for Medieval Studies, 2008, Leeds , (carte) 220p.
Topics (ro): congres international - studii medievale - Leeds - Anglia - 2008 - program; istorie - cultura si civilizatie - Europa medievala - studii
Topics (en): international congress - medieval studies - Leeds - England - 2008 - programme; history - culture and civilization - medieval Europe - studies
Position: DS/K-25 UDC: 061.3(410Leeds)"2008":94(4)"03/15"

5. *
Encyclopédie de la civilisation : les grandes étapes de l'humanité. 1, Les Origines de la Civilisation occidentale. I, Le Patrimoine grec / préface de Marcel Brion; [George Huxley, A.R. Burn, H.C. Baldry, W.K.C. Guthrie, John Boardman; traduction de Henry Daussy]
Edito-Service, 1974, Genève , (carte) 196p.
Topics (ro): arta - Grecia antica; civilizatie - Europa - influenta greaca; civilizatie - antichitate - Grecia
Topics (en): art - Ancient Greece; civilisation - Europe - Greek influence; civilisation - Antiquity - Greece
Position: MT/B-2577 UDC: 930.85(38)

6. Arnoux, Mathieu; Monnet, Pierre (eds.)
Le technicien dans la cité en Europe occidentale, 1250-1650 / sous la direction de Mathieu Arnoux et Pierre Monnet
École Française de Rome, 2004, Rome , (carte) 410p., ISBN 2-7283-0669-9
Topics (ro): orase - Europa - istorie - congrese; tehnologie - Europa - istorie - congrese; tehnologie si civilizatie - Europa - istorie - congrese
Topics (en): cities and towns - Europe - history - congresses; technology - Europe - history - congresses; technology and civilization - Europe - history - congresses
Position: 0.0-C.E.F.R. (325) UDC: 720
Series: Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome; 325
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Aston, Margaret [ 1932-2014]
Panorama du XVe siècle/ Margaret Aston; traduit de l'anglais par Anne Joba
Flammarion, 1969, Paris , (carte) 216p.
Topics (ro): cultura si civilizatie - Europa - sec. XV; istorie - Europa - sec.XV - biserica - Renastere
Topics (en): culture and civilisation - Europe - 15thc.; istorie - Europa - sec.XV- church - Renaissance
Position: MT/B-3219 UDC: 930.85(4)''14''
Series: Histoire illustrée de l'Europe

8. Carruthers, Mary J.
The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture / Mary J. Carruthers
Cambridge University Press, 1996, Cambridge; New York , (carte) xiv, 394 p., ISBN 0-521-42973-0
Topics (ro): literatura - memorie - evul mediu; cultura si civilizatie - Europa - evul mediu
Topics (en): literature - memory - Middle Ages; culture and civilization - Europe - Middle Ages
Position: C.2-CAR UDC: 008(4)"04/14"+133
Series: Cambrdige Studies in Medieval Literature
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Durant, Will [ scriitor american, 1885-1981]; Durant, Ariel [ scriitoare americana, 1898-1981]
Histoire de la civilisation. XXVI: L'Époque de Voltaire. La Régence en France. L'Angleterre / Will et Ariel Durant; traduction française par Yvonne Rosso avec la collaboration d'Albert Cavin
Éditions Rencontre, 1966, Lausanne , (carte) 477p., [16]
Topics (ro): istoria culturii - Europa - sec.XVIII; religie - filosofie - Europa - 1715-1756; istoria civilizatiei - Europa occidentala - epoca lui Voltaire - 1715-1756; cultura si civilizatie - Europa - sec.XVIII
Topics (en): history of culture - Europe - 18th century; religion - philosophy - Europe - 1715-1756; history of civilization - Western Europe - period of Voltaire - 1715-1756; culture and civilization - Europe - 18th century
Position: MT/B-2018 UDC: 930.85

10. Durant, Will [ scriitor american, 1885-1981]; Durant, Ariel [ scriitoare americana, 1898-1981]
Histoire de la civilisation. XXVII. L'Époque de Voltaire II. La France. L'Europe centrale / Will et Ariel Durant; traduction française par Yvonne Rosso avec la collaboration d'Albert Cavin
Éditions Rencontre, 1966, Lausanne , (carte) 453p., [16]
Topics (ro): istoria culturii - Europa - sec.XVIII; religie - filosofie - Europa - 1715-1756; istoria civilizatiei - Europa occidentala - epoca lui Voltaire - 1715-1756; cultura si civilizatie - Europa - sec.XVIII
Topics (en): history of culture - Europe - 18th century; religion - philosophy - Europe - 1715-1756; history of civilization - Western Europe - period of Voltaire - 1715-1756; culture and civilization - Europe - 18th century
Position: MT/B-2019 UDC: 930.85

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