Europe in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries / Denys Hay
Longman, 1997, London and New York
, (carte) XIV, 482 p., ISBN 0-582-49179-7
Topics (ro): monarhie papala; Renastere - istorie politica - guvernare; civilizatie - Europa - sec. XIV-XV; istorie - Europa - sec. XIV-XV; Renastere - Europa - sec. XIV-XV; istorie culturala - Renastere Topics (en): papal monarchy; Renaissance - political history - government; civilization - Europe - 14th-15th centuries, the; history - Europe - 14th-15th centuries, the; Renaissance - Europe - 14th-15th centuries, the; cultural history - Renaissance | | Position: H.011-LONG (3)
UDC: 940"13/14"
Series: A General History of Europe |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |