Orasele evului mediu / Henri Pirenne; traducere de Cristiana Macarovici
Dacia, 2000, Cluj-Napoca
, (carte) 152 p., ISBN 973-35-1022-X
Topics (ro): formarea oraselor si a burgheziei - Evul Mediu - Europa; civilizatie europeana - istorie - orase; istorie - orase - Evul Mediu; institutii urbane - Evul Mediu; istoria orasului - orase medievale; istoria civilizatiei europene - sec. VIII-XIII Topics (en): building of towns and middle classes, bourgeoisie - Middle Ages - Europe; European civiliziation - history - towns, fortified; history - towns, cities - Middle Ages; urban institutions - Middle Ages; history of the city/ town - medieval towns; history of | | Position: H.0d-PIR
UDC: 94(100)"04/14"
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