Twilight Memories: Marking Time in a Culture of Amnesia / Andreas Huyssen
Routledge, 1994, London - New York
, (carte) x, 292 p., ISBN 0-415-90935-X
Topics (ro): cultura germana contemporana; Germania - viata intelectuala; civilizatie germana; Germania - istorie - 1933-1945 - istoriografie; memorie in literatura; literatura germana - istorie si critica; postmodernitate - memorie - amenzie - nationalism - Germania; Topics (en): contemporary German culture; Germany - intellectual life; German civilization; Germany - history - 1933-1945 - historiography; memory in literature; German literature, the - history and criticism; postmodernity - memory - amnesia - nationalism - Germany; | | Position: T.3-HUY
UDC: 943.08
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