Traité de Sociologie du Travail, II / Georges Friedmann et Pierre Naville; Avec le concours de Jean-René Tréanton et de ...
Librairie Armand Colin, 1964, Paris
, (carte) 442 p.
Topics (ro): sociologia muncii - tratat; stiinte sociale - sociologia muncii - metodologie; sociologie - munca - industrie - intreprinderi - muncitori; sistem social - intreprinderi - organizare; valoarea muncii; civilizatie industriala - industrializare - familie - b Topics (en): sociology of working - treaty; social sciences - sociology of working - methodology; sociology - labour - industry - enterprises - workers; social system - enterprises - organization; work value; industrial civilization - industrialization - family - | | Position: L.0-FRI (2)
UDC: 316.323.7
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