New Europe College

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1. Aceska, Ana; Cepić, Dražen; Güçlü, Eda; Lleshi, Sokol; [...]; New Europe College [Ed.]
New Europe College Yearbook, Europe Next to Europe Program, 2013-2014, 2014-2015: Branding the Ethnically Divided City: Between Metaphors and Social Realities/ Ana Aceska; Friendship and Symbolic Boundaries in Postsocialism: The Case of Croatian Upper Middle Class/ Dražen Cepić; A 'Splendid' Calamity and Tanzimat in the City: The Hocapaşa Fire of 1865 and Property in Disaster Law/ Eda Güçlü; Legitimating the Democratic State in Post-Communist Romania: Memory as a Cultural Good/ Sokol Lleshi; Secularism and Identitarian Orthodoxy: Trajectories of a Great Divide over the Notion of the West/ Slaviša Raković; Descartes' Solitude Thesis: A Neglected Aspect of the Cartesian Methodology/ Ioannis Trisokkas; The Black Sea and the Great War, the Naval Forces and Operations of the Ottoman and Russian Empires/ Ozan Arslan; Being Caught Between 'Anthropology at Home' and 'Anthropology Abroad': An Overview of Epistemological Positions of Ethno-anthropologists in the Balkan at the Turn of the 20th Century/ Čarna Brković; Passportism: Xenophobia from Discourse to Policy/ Srdjan M. Jovanovic; The Crisis and the Nation: 'Conservative Palingenesis' in Interwar Serbia/ Andrej Mitić; Technologies of Rebellion: Ottoman Balkans as a Site of Technological Contestation, 1878-1912/ Ramazan Hakki Oztan; Edited by New Europe College
New Europe College, 2018, Bucharest , (anuar) 330p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina - conflict etnic; clasa de mijloc - educatie - Croatia; metafizica - Descartes - adevar; etnologie - antropologie - zona Balcanilor
Topics (en): Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina - ethnic conflict; middle-class - education - Croatia; metaphysics - Descartes - truth; ethnology - anthropology - the Balkans
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(045)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook