New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 3 (total 3 t: a: ).

1. Bayard, Jean-Pierre
La symbolique du monde souterrain et de la caverne/ Jean-Pierre Bayard
Guy Trédaniel Éditeur, 1994, Paris , (carte) 336p., ISBN 2-85707-570-7
Topics (ro): lumea subterana - simbolism; istoria religiilor - Infern; grota; pamint - singe mineral - curente telurice; radacina; apa subterana; geme; coborirea in Infern; templu subteran; initiere - culoare subterane - mormint; culoar initiatic - labirint
Topics (en): underground world - symbolism; history of religions - hell; grotto, cave; Earth - mineral blood - telluric currents; root; underground water; gems; Descent to the Underworld, the; underground temple; initiation - underground passages - grave; initiatory p
Position: AS/I-33 UDC: 291
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Danielou, le R.P.
Le judeo-christianisme: Les textes, les doctrines et la vie spirituelle/ par le R.P. Danielou
Institut Catholique de Paris, s.a., Paris , (carte) 227p.
Topics (ro): Biserica spirituala; Crucea; coborirea in Infern - Inaltarea; cuvântul etern; teologie iudeo-crestina; iudeo-crestinism - texte - doctrina - viata spirituala; intruparea - misterul intruparii; botez; euharistie; milenarism; ascetism - sfintenie personala
Topics (en): spiritual Church, the; Cross, the; Descent to the Underworld, the - Ascension, the; eternalm word, the; Judeo-Christian theology; Judo-Christianism - texts - doctrine - spiritual life; incarnation - mystery of incarnation; baptism ( christening); Eucharis
Position: AS/G-164 UDC: 22/28:296
Series: "Ad Modum Manuscripti"/ Faculté de Théologie

3. Portmann, Adolf; Ritsema, Rudolf [Eds.]; Brun, Jean; Heller, Erich; Hillman, James; Hornung, Erik; Lauf, Detlef I.; Mann, Ulrich; Miller, David L.; Shayegan, Daryush; Smith, Morton; Ueda, Shizuteru; Zahan, Dominique
Eranos-Jahrbuch: [Jahrbuch der Eranos-Tagungen in Ascona], Band 50 (1981): Aufstieg und Abstieg/ Herausgeber: Adolf Portmann, Rudolf Ritsema = Rise and Descent/ Editors: Adolf Portmann, Rudolf Ritsema = Descente et ascension/ Éditeurs: Adolf Portmann, Rudolf Ritsema
Insel Verlag, 1982, Frankfurt am Main , (anuar) 482p., ISBN 3-458-14033-6
Topics (ro): congresele Eranos - anuar; istoria religiilor - urcare si coborire; axa verticala - sfera numinosului; ciclul fiintei - de la pre-eternitate la post-eternitate; Christos - coborirea in istorie - coborirea in Infern; Budismul Zen - Meister Eckhart
Topics (en): Eranos conferences - Yearbook; history of religons - rise and descent; vertical axis - numinous sphere; cycle of being - from pre-eternity to post -eternity; Christ - descent into history - descent into Hell; Zen Buddhism - Master Eckhart
Position: anuar UDC: 05:291; 81'33:2
Series: Die Eranos Tagungen = The Eranos Conferences = Les Sessions d'Eranos
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC