The Balkans from Constantinople to Communism / Dennis P. Hupchick
Palgrave, 2002, New York - Hampshire
, (carte) xxviii, 468 p., ISBN 0-312-21736-6
Topics (ro): Peninsula Balcanica - istorie - 600-1991; istorie - Balcani - nationalism romantic, 1804-1878; Imperiul Otoman - istorie - 1355-1804; Imperiul Bizantin - istorie - 600-1355; state-natiune - nationalism, 1878-1945; comunism - 1945-1991 Topics (en): Balkan Peninsula - history - 600-1991; history - Balkans - romantic nationalism, 1804-1878; Ottoman Empire, the - history - 1355-1804; Byzantine Empire - history - 600-1355; nation-states - nationalism, 1878-1945; communism - 1945-1991 | | Position: H.1721-HUP
UDC: 94(1-924.5)"600/1991"
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