New Europe College

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1. *
October: The Second Decade, 1986-1996 / edited by Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Hal Foster, Denis Hollier, Silvia Kolbowski
The MIT Press, 1997, Cambridge, MA - London , (carte) xii, 464 p., ISBN 0-262-11226-4
Topics (ro): arta si societate; cultura de masa; suprarealism; expresionism; arta conceptuala; estetica; arta spectacolului; cultura populara
Topics (en): art and society; mass culture; Surrealism; expressionism; conceptual art; aesthetics; performance art; popular culture
Position: U.02-KRA; IIAB UDC: 7.036
Series: An OCTOBER Book
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Faire de l'histoire: [Tome] 1: Nouveaux problèmes / sous la direction de Jacques Le Goff et Pierre Nora
Gallimard, 1974, Paris , (carte) 234 p.
Topics (ro): istorie - teorie; stiinta istoriei; filosofia istoriei; conceptualizarea istoriei; aculturatie; istorie sociala; istorie marxista
Topics (en): history - theory; history, science; philosophy of history; conceptualization of the history; acculturation; social history; Marxist history
Position: AS/O-6 UDC: 930.1
Series: Bibliothèque des Histoires

3. *
Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale / fondée en 1893 par Xavier Léon et Élie Halévy; dirigée par Jean-François Marquet; publié avec l'aide du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et du Centre National des Lettres
Librairie Armand Colin, 1954-2002, 2004-2013, Paris , (periodic) cca 160 p., ISSN 2130-5167
Topics (ro): postmodernism; estetica; ontologie - analiza conceptuala; filosofia dreptului - justitie; lingvistica dialogului; modernism; metafizica - filosofie - studii; filosofie morala
Topics (en): postmodernism; aesthetics; ontology - conceptual analysis; philosophy of law - justice; linguistics of dialogue; modernism; metaphysics - philosophy - studies; moral philosophy
Position: Periodic; AS/P-130-131; MT/A-4195-4210 UDC: 111+17(05)

4. *
Kontakt... aus der Sammlung der Erste Bank-Gruppe = Kontakt... works from the Collection of Erste Bank Group / Herausgegeben von Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien; Produktionsleitung: Nina Krick; Redaktion: Nina Krick, Walter Seidl, Cornelia Stellwag-Carion; Koordination: Nina Krick ...
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2006, Köln , (carte) 276 p., ISBN 3-863560-076-X
Topics (ro): arta contemporana - arta conceptuala - expozitie - Europa - sec. XXI; arta - Europa Centrala si de Est - expozitie
Topics (en): contemporary art - conceptual art - exhibition - Europe - 21st century; fine arts - Central and Eastern Europe - exhibition
Position: U.31-KRI UDC: 061.4:7(4)"19/20"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Archiv für Religionspsychologie = Archive for the Psychology of Religion/ Editors: Jacob A. Belzen; Leslie J. Francis and Ralph Hood
Brill Academic Publishers, 2006, Leiden, Boston , (periodic) x, 378p., ISSN 0084-6724
Topics (ro): psihologia religiei - arhiva; perspective conceptuale si teoretice - psihologia religiilor
Topics (en): psychology of religion - archive; conceptual and theoretical perspectives - psychology of religion
Position: Periodic UDC: 291

6. Anati, Emmanuel
La religion des origines/ Emmanuel Anati; Traduit de l'italien par Patrick Michel
Bayard Éditions, 1995, Paris , (carte) 185p., ISBN 2-227-31710-8
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - filosofia religiilor - antropologie; ritualism animal; mitul originii; pitecantrop - conceptualitate; credinte - ritualism - omul de Neandertal; metafizica identitatii; originile artei; gindire religioasa - origini; imagine - simbol -
Topics (en): history of religions - philosophy of religions - anthropology; animal ritualism; myth of the origin; pithecanthrope - conceptuality; creeds - ritualism - Neanderthal man; metaphysics of identity; origins of art; religious thinking - origins; image - symbo
Position: AS/H-67 UDC: 291.1
Series: Histoire
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Atkinson, Terry; Bainbridge, David; Baldwin, Michael; Hurrell, Harold; Kosuth, Joseph
Art & Language: Texte zum Phänomen Kunst und Sprache / Terry Atkinson, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell, Joseph Kosuth; Herausgegeben von Paul Maenz und Gerd de Vries
Verlag M. DuMont Schauberg, 1972, Köln , (carte) 348 p., ISBN 3-7701-0657-1
Topics (ro): arta si filosofie; teoria artei - limbaj - gandire - imagine; arta conceptuala - limbaj - imagine
Topics (en): art and philosophy; art theory - language - thinking - image; conceptual art - language - image
Position: U.017-ATK UDC: 7.01
Series: DuMont-international
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Bałus, Wojciech; Kunińska, Magdalena [Eds.]
DeMATERIALISATIONS in Art and Art-Historical Discourse in the Twentieth Century: Proceedings of a conference held in Tomaszowice on 14–16 May 2017/ Edited by Wojciech Bałus and Magdalena Kunińska; Wojciech Bałus, David Summers, Hans Christian Hönes, Wiktoria Kozioł, Jan Piotr Cieslak, Bożena Shallcross, Eric C.H. De Bruyn, Sebastian Egenhofer, Krzysztof Moraczewski, Magdalena Kunińska, Marta Smolińska, Filip Lipiński, Monika Wagner, Marcin Koscielniak, Bogdan Achimescu
IRSA Publishing House, 2018, Cracow , (carte) 238p., ISBN 978-83-89831-33-0
Topics (ro): teoria artei - materialitate; teoria artei - arta conceptuala
Topics (en): art theory - materiality; art theory - conceptual art
Position: U.02-KUN UDC: 700
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Bryars, Gavin
Hommages / Gavin Bryars
Les Disques du Crépuscule, 1989, Austria , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): muzică conceptuală, muzică de secol XX
Topics (en): conceptual music, XX th century music
Position: VI/M-5006 UDC: 785.16

10. Butler, Cornelia [ed.]
From Conceptualism to Feminism: Lucy Lippard's Numbers Shows 1969-74/Cornelia Butler; with an additional essay by Pip Day and texts by Peter Plagens, Griselda Pollock and Caroline Tisdall; interviews with Lucy Lippard (conducted by Anthony Hudek) and Seth Siegelaub (conducted by Jo Melvin); interviews with artists Eleanor Antin, Agnes Denes, Alice Aycock and Mierle Laderman Ukeles (conducted by Alexandra Schwartz); and an introduction by Sabeth Buchmann
Afterall Books, 2012, London , (carte) 304p.: il., ISBN 978-3-86335
Topics (ro): Lippard, Lucy R. - 1937-; arta contemporana - conceptualism; arta feminista; arta contemporana - Lippard, Lucy R. curator - 1969 - 1974
Topics (en): Lippard, Lucy r. - 1937-; contemporary art - conceptualism; feminist art; contemporray art - Lippard Lucy R., curator - 1969 - 1974
Position: U.31-EXH (2) UDC: 061.4''1969/1974'':7.036
Series: Exhibition Histories
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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