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1. Landgrebe, Ludwig [ fenomenolog austriac, prof. de filosofie, 1902-1991]
Philosophie der Gegenwart/ Ludwig Landgrebe
Ullstein Taschenbücher-Verlag GmbH, 1958, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 176p.
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia contemporana - sec.XX; esenta omului; conceptul de lume; lumea ca natura; lumea ca istorie; filosofia artei; cunoastere si actiune; problema fiintei - filosofie si teologie
Topics (en): history of philosophy - contemporary philosophy - 19th c.; human essence; the concept of the world; world as nature; world as history; philosophy of art; knowledge and action; problem of being - philosophy and theology
Position: Mt/A-1017 UDC: 14"19"(09)
Series: Ullstein Bücher; Nr.166