New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. Elfenhans, Th.
Psychologie und Logik zur Einführung in die Philosophie/ Von Th. Elfenhans
Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1936; 1901, Berlin und Leipzig; Leipzig , (carte) 144p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - individul si lumea inconjuratoare; constiinta de sine - lumea interioara; personalitatea; caracterul; logica - conceptele - judecatile - rationamentele - concluziile
Topics (en): psychology - the individual and the surrounding world; self-consciousness - the inner world; personality; character; logic - concepts - judgments - reasonings - conclusions
Position: MT/A-3666; MT/A-3772 UDC: 159.9+16
Series: Sammlung Göschen; 14

2. Pfänder, Alexander [ filosof german din scoala fenomenologica müncheneza, 1870-1941]
Logik/ von Alexander Pfänder
Verlag von Max Niemeyer, 1921, Halle , (carte) 365p.
Topics (ro): logica; judecata; concept; principii; concluzii
Topics (en): logic; judgment; concept; principles; conclusions
Position: MT/A-3039 UDC: 16