The End of Tolerance ?/ Alfred Herrhausen Society for International Dialogue; editors: Susan Stern, Elisabeth Seligmann; translation team led by Igor Reichlin: Jim Kerr, Derek Whitfield, The Koenen family, Jesus Gutiérez Vidal; coordination: Maike Tippmann
Nicholas Brealey Publishing & Intercultural Press, 2002, London - Yarmouth, Maine
, (carte) 280 p., ISBN 1-85788-317-9
Topics (ro): minoritati nationale - toleranta; toleranta - societate civila; toleranta - politica - studii; toleranta - religie - credinta; globalism - etica si religie - toleranta; confesiuni religioase - toleranta - diversitate - Islam Topics (en): national minorities - tolerance; tolerance - civil society; tolerance - politics - studies; tolerance - religion - belief; globalism - ethics and religion - tolerance; faith (religion) - tolerance - diversity - Islam | | Position: J.05-STE
UDC: 322
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