New Europe College

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1. *
Nations without a state: ethnic minorities in Western Europe / edited by Charles R. Foster
Praeger, 1980, New York , (carte) IX, 215p., ISBN 0-03-056807-2
Topics (ro): nationalism - Europa; relatii etnice - conflicte etnice; minoritati etnice - Europa
Topics (en): nationalism - Europe; ethnic relations - ethnic conflicts; etnic minorities - Europe
Position: H.1741-FOS UDC: 323(4-15)
Series: Praeger Special Studies. Prager Scientific
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Fischer Weltgeschichte, Bd.36: Das Zwanzigste Jahrhundert, III: Weltprobleme zwischen den Machtblöken/hrsg. von Wolfgang Benz und Hermann Graml; unter Mitarbeit von Rudolf von Albertini [...]
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1997, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 512p., ISBN 3-596-60036-7
Topics (ro): sfere de influenta - marile puteri - 1945- - conflicte; istorie universala - sec.XX - marile puteri - conflicte
Topics (en): spheres of influence - great powers, the - after 1945 - conflicts; world history ( universal history) - 20th century - great powers, the - conflicts
Position: H.01-FIS (36) UDC: 930.9(084)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Interval (serie noua): revista fondata la Brasov in 1990/ editata de Consiliul Judetean Brasov; red. sef: Andrei Bodiu
Consiliul Judetean Brasov, 1997-1999, Brasov , (periodic)
Topics (ro): cultura si civilizatie - România; sociologie; politica; Iugoslavia - conflicte; statul
Topics (en): culture and civilization - Romania; sociology; politics; Yugoslavia - conflicts; state, the
Position: periodic UDC: 008+30+32

4. *
Revista româna de stiinte politice = Romanian Journal of Political Science/ Published by the Romanian Academic Society on behalf of the Romanian community of political scientists; editor: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
SAR, 2001-2005, Bucuresti , (periodic) , ISSN 1582-456X
Topics (ro): postcomunism - conflicte - reconciliere; relatii internationale - pact de stabilitate; politica - democratie - democratizare, teorie; stiinte politice - integrare europeana; politica - alegeri electorale; democratie multietnica - postcomunism; politica -
Topics (en): post-communism - conflicts - reconciliation; international relations - stability pact; politics - democracy - democratization, theory; political sciences - European integration; politics - elections; multi-ethnic democracy - post-communism; politics - con
Position: periodic UDC: 32(045)

5. *
Guerres et conflits d'aujourd'hui: magazine paraissant 11 fois par an
I.M.P.S.A.R.L., 1984, Villennes , (carte)
Topics (ro): Irak - Iran - razboiul din Golf; razboi conflicte contemporane; strategii militare
Topics (en): Iraq - Iran - Gulf war; war - contemporary conflicts; military strategies
Position: AS/P-200 UDC: 355

6. *
The Cold War, Volume I: Origins of the Cold War: The Great Historical Debate / edited with introductions by Lori Lyn Bogle
Routledge, 2001, New York - London , (carte) x, 342 p., ISBN 0-8153-3238-6, ISSN 0-8135-3721-3 (set)
Topics (ro): razboiul rece; politica mondiala - 1945-; securitate internationala - relatii internationale - sec. XX; propaganda internationala; strategie comunista; spionaj - istorie - sec. XX; conflicte militare - razboaie - sec. XX; totalitarism - Europa de Est
Topics (en): cold war, the; world politics - after 1945; international security - international relations - 20th century; international propaganda; communist strategy; espionage, spying - history - 20th c.; military conflicts - wars - 20th century, the; totalitarianis
Position: H.173-BOG (1) UDC: 327.54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
The Cold War, Volume II: National Security Policy Planning from Truman to Reagan and from Stalin to Gorbachev / edited with introductions by Lori Lyn Bogle
Routledge, 2001, New York - London , (carte) x, 420 p., ISBN 0-8153-3239-4, ISSN 0-8135-3721-3 (set)
Topics (ro): spionaj - istorie - sec. XX; strategie comunista; propaganda internationala; securitate internationala - relatii internationale - sec. XX; razboiul rece; politica mondiala - 1945-; conflicte militare - razboaie - sec. XX; diplomatie - relatii externe
Topics (en): espionage, spying - history - 20th c.; communist strategy; international propaganda; international security - international relations - 20th century; cold war, the; world politics - after 1945; military conflicts - wars - 20th century, the; diplomacy - ex
Position: H.173-BOG (2) UDC: 327.54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
The Cold War, Volume III: Hot Wars of the Cold War / edited with introductions by Lori Lyn Bogle
Routledge, 2001, New York - London , (carte) viii, 328 p., ISBN 0-8153-3240-8, ISSN 0-8153-3721-3 (set)
Topics (ro): spionaj - istorie - sec. XX; strategie comunista; propaganda internationala; securitate internationala - relatii internationale - sec. XX; politica mondiala - 1945-; razboiul rece; conflicte militare - razboaie - sec. XX; diplomatie - relatii externe - se
Topics (en): espionage, spying - history - 20th c.; communist strategy; international propaganda; international security - international relations - 20th century; world politics - after 1945; cold war, the; military conflicts - wars - 20th century, the; diplomacy - ex
Position: H.173-BOG (3) UDC: 327.54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. *
The Cold War, Volume IV: Cold War Espionage and Spying / edited with introductions by Lori Lyn Bogle
Routledge, 2001, New York - London , (carte) viii, 340 p., ISBN 0-8153-3241-6, ISSN 0-8153-3721-3 (set)
Topics (ro): razboiul rece; politica mondiala - 1945-; securitate internationala - relatii internationale - sec. XX; propaganda internationala; strategie comunista; spionaj - istorie - sec. XX; conflicte militare - razboaie - sec. XX; diplomatie - relatii externe - se
Topics (en): cold war, the; world politics - after 1945; international security - international relations - 20th century; international propaganda; communist strategy; espionage, spying - history - 20th c.; military conflicts - wars - 20th century, the; diplomacy - ex
Position: H.173-BOG (4) UDC: 327.54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. *
The Cold War, Volume V: Cold War Culture and Society / edited with introductions by Lori Lyn Bogle
Routledge, 2001, New York - London , (carte) viii, 384 p., ISBN 0-8153-3242-4, ISSN 0-8153-3721-3 (set)
Topics (ro): razboiul rece - cultura; politica mondiala - 1945-; securitate internationala - relatii internationale - sec. XX; propaganda internationala; strategie comunista; spionaj - istorie - sec. XX; conflicte militare - razboaie - sec. XX; diplomatie - relatii ex
Topics (en): cold war, the - culture; world politics - after 1945; international security - international relations - 20th century; international propaganda; communist strategy; espionage, spying - history - 20th c.; military conflicts - wars - 20th century, the; dipl
Position: H.173-BOG (5) UDC: 327.54
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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