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1. *
Beliefs of Orthodox Christians/ Published by The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America; [Preface by Bishop Valerian D. Trifa]
The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate, s. a., Jackson, Michigan , (carte) 96p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - dogmatica - ortodoxism; credinta - Biserica Ortodoxa; sacramente; Rugaciunea lui Iisus; Fericirile; poruncile
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - dogmatics - Orthodoxy; faith - Orthodox Church, the; sacraments; Lord's Prayer; the Beautitudes; the ten Commandments
Position: AS/G-482 UDC: 23:281
Series: Orthodox Christian Library; No.2

2. Augustin, sf. [ Augustinus Aurelianus, 354-430]
De Doctrina Christiana/ Augustine; edited and translated by R. P. H. Green
Clarendon Press, 2001, Oxford , (carte) xxvi, 293p., ISBN 0-19-826334-1
Topics (ro): filosofie crestina - Augustin, sf; patristica - Augustin, sf.; crestinism - dogmatica
Topics (en): -
Position: A.2-AUG UDC: 276Augustin,sf.
Series: Oxford Early Christian Texts
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Bacila, Aurelian
L'Esprit Saint et la Tri-unité divine chez Boris Bobrinskoy et Yves Congar: Recherche sur l'Esprit Saint dans une perspective oecuménique/ Aurelian Bacila
Galaxia Gutenberg, 2004, Târgu Lapus , (carte) 111p., ISBN 973-7919-26-2
Topics (ro): crestinism - dogmatica - Spiritul Sfânt - perspectiva ecumenica; Sfânta Treime ; Bobrinskoy, Boris - Congar, Yves - dogma crestina
Topics (en): Christianity/ Christianism - dogmatic - Holy Ghost - oecumenical perspective; Trinity, the; Bobrinskoy, Boris - Congar, Yves - Christian dogma
Position: G.1r1-BAC UDC: 276
Series: Intellectus Fidei; 18
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Coman, Constantin [ preot, prof. dr.]
Dreptatea lui Dumnezeu si dreptatea oamenilor: Dialoguri cu Remus Radulescu
Editura Bizantina, 2010, Bucuresti , (carte) 416p., ISBN 978-606-81112-05-3
Topics (ro): crestinism - dogmatica - Christologie; morala crestina; pacat; iertare; adevarata ierarhie umana; valoarea sufletului; lege si libertate; dreptatea lui Dumnezeu - dreptatea oamenilor
Topics (en): Christianity/ Christianism - dogmatics - Christology; Christian moral; sin; forgiveness; true human hierarchy; value of soul; law and freedom; God's justice - human justice
Position: Vg.2-COM UDC: 232
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Cotore, Gheronte
Despre Articulusurile Ceale De Price, Sâmbata Mare, 1746/ Gheronte Cotore; editie îngrijita, Cuvânt introductiv, Rezumat, Bibliografie selectiva, Indici: Laura Stanciu; Prefata: Iacob Mârza; Glosar, Nota asupra editiei: Mihai Alin Gherman; Transcrierea textului, Note: Ioan Gabor
Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918", 2000, Alba Iulia , (carte) 244 p., ISBN 973-97225-7-1
Topics (ro): Biserica Greco-Catolica - Transilvania - dogmatica; crestinism - dogmatica - sec.XVIII - Transilvania
Topics (en): Greek United Church - Transylvania - dogmatic; Christianity / Christianism - dogmatic - 18th century - Transylvania
Position: Vg.2-COT UDC: 282(498.4)
Series: Bibliotheca Universitatis Apulensis
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Darrouzés, J.
Lettre inédite de Jean Cantacuzène relative à la controverse palamite/ J. Darrouzés
Institut Français d'Études Byzantines, 1959, Paris , (extras) 27p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - dogmatica - ortodoxism; Grigore Palama (despre)
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-492 UDC: 281:23

7. Dunkmann, Karl [ teolog evanghelic si sociolog, 1868-1932]
Der christliche Gottesglaube: Grundriß der Dogmatik/ von Karl Dunkmann
Druck und Verlag von C. Bertelsmann, 1918, Gütersloh , (carte) x, 374, [2]p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - dogmatica; teologie dogmatica
Topics (en): Christianity - dogmatics; Dogmatic theology
Position: MT/B-891 UDC: 230

8. Gray, Henry David
The Christian Doctrine of Grace/ by Henry David Gray
Independent Press ltd., 1949, London , (carte) 264p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - dogmatica - doctrina harului; soteriologie
Topics (en): Christianity - dogmatics - the doctrine of grace; soteriology
Position: MT/B-906 UDC: 230

9. Guardini, Romano (1885-1968)
Les sens et la connaissance de Dieu: Deux essais sur la certitude chrétienne/ Romano Guardini; Traduction de l'allemand par Thomas Patfoort
Les éditions du Cerf, 1954, Paris , (carte) 134p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - dogmatica - Dumnezeu - cunoastere; perceptie senzoriala - cunoastere - Dumnezeu; experienta liturgica - epifanie; epifanie - Vechiul Testament - Noul Testament; liturghie - epifanie
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-115 UDC: 23

10. Guardini, Romano (1885-1968)
Royaume de Dieu et liberté de l'homme/ par Romano Gardini; traduit de l'allemand par Marlyse Guthmann
Desclée de Brouwer, 1960, Paris , (carte) 251p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - dogmatica - Dumnezeu - libertatea umana; providenta; credinta crestina - catolicism; sfintii; purgatoriul
Topics (en): Christianity - dogmatics - God - human freedom; providence; Christian faith - Catholicism; saints; purgatory
Position: MT/B-1321; MT/B-1513 UDC: 282
Series: Présence chrétienne

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