New Europe College

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1. Cantemir, Dimitrie (1673-1723)
Dimitrie Cantemir - Historian of South East European and Oriental Civilizations: extracts from "The History of the Ottoman Empire"/ [by] Dimitrie Cantemir; Edited by Alexandru Dutu and Paul Cernovodeanu; With a Foreword by Professor Halil Inalcik
Association International d'Études du Sud-Est Européen, 1973, Bucharest , (carte) 360p.
Topics (ro): literatura româna - Cantemir, Dimitrie; Imperiul Otoman - istorie; biografie - Cantemir, Dimitrie, 1673-1723; cultura otomana - literatura - arhitectura - pictura - muzica - scoli - personalitati
Topics (en): Romanian literature - Cantemir, Dimitrie; Ottoman Empire, the - history; biography - Cantemir, Dimitrie, 1673-1723; Ottoman culture - literature - architecture - painting - music - schools - personalities
Position: DS/M-9 UDC: 821.135.1-94Cantemir,Dimitrie: 949.6+956.0=111