New Europe College

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1. Guillet, Jacques
Thèmes bibliques: Études sur l'expression et le développement de la révélation/ Jacques Guillet
Aubier, 1951, Paris , (carte) 287p.
Topics (ro): Biblia - teme biblice - revelatie; Exod; Sfântul Duh; gratie divina - justitie - adevar; pacat; damnare; speranta; suflul lui Iehova - Cuvântul - Spiritul Sfânt
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-165 UDC: 22
Series: Théologie; 18

2. Tillich, Paul [ filosof crestin existentialist si teolog germano-american, 1886-1965]
Le courage d'être/ Paul Tillich; Traduction de l'anglais et Avant-Propos de Fernand Chapey; Préface de René Marlé
Casterman, 1967, Tournai , (carte) 187p.
Topics (ro): ; ontologia fricii; existenta - fiinta - viata - curaj; antropologie religioasa; teologie - gindire moderna; crestinism - credinta - sec.XX; destin - angoasa - moarte - nefiinta; culpabilitate - damnare - disperare; angoasa patologica - religie - medicina
Topics (en): ; ontology of fear; existence - being - life - courage; religious anthropology; theology - modern thinking; Christianity / Christianism - belief - 20th century, the; destiny - anxiety - death - nonentity, non-existence; guiltiness / culpability - damnatio
Position: AS/G-288 UDC: 2319
Series: Christianisme en mouvement; 5