New Europe College

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1. Balthasar, Hans Urs von [ 1905-1988]
Teodramatica, Volumul V: Deznodamantul/ Hans Urs von Balthasar; traducere din limba germana de Maria-Magdalena Anghelescu
Galaxia Gutenberg, 2022, Targu-Lapus , (carte) 358p., ISBN 978-973-141-879-7; 978-973-141-971-8
Topics (ro): teologie si teatru - arta dramatica divina; drama crestina - deznodamant - escatologie; drama divina - christologie - Iisus Christos - interpretare; drama divina - misterul cristic al mortii si al vietii - Inaltarea, Iisus Christos
Topics (en): theology and theatre - divine dramatics; Christian drama - dénouement - eschatology; divine drama - Christology - Jesus Christ - interpretation; divine drama - Christly mystery of death and life - the Ascension, Jesus Christ
Position: Ud-BAL/4 UDC: 792.000.2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Balthasar, Hans Urs von [ 1905-1988]
La Dramatique divine: IV. Le dénouement / Hans Urs von Balthasar
Culture et vérité, 1993, Namur , (carte) 482 p., ISBN 2-87299-023-2, ISSN 0222-9463
Topics (ro): teologie si teatru - arta dramatica divina; drama crestina - deznodamant - escatologie; drama divina - christologie - Iisus Christos - interpretare; drama divina - misterul cristic al mortii si al vietii - Inaltarea, Iisus Christos
Topics (en): theology and theatre - divine dramatics; Christian drama - dénouement - eschatology; divine drama - Christology - Jesus Christ - interpretation; divine drama - Christly mystery of death and life - the Ascension, Jesus Christ
Position: Ud-BAL (4) UDC: 792.000.2
Series: Série «Ouvertures»; 9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC