New Europe College

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1. *
Citizenship: Critical Concepts: Volume I/ Edited by Bryan S. Turner and Peter Hamilton
Routledge, 1998, London and New York , (carte) 451p., ISBN 0-415-10245-6
Topics (ro): cetatenie - istorie; stat - cetatenie; drepturi civice; etnicitate - cetatenie
Topics (en): citizenship - history; state - citizenship; civil rights; ethnicity - citizenship
Position: J.0-CC-TUR(1) UDC: 323.3
Series: Routledge Critical Concepts
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Linguistic Human Rights: Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination/ Edited by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Robert Phillipson: in collab. with Mart Rannut
Mouton de Gruyter, 1995, Berlin, New York , (carte) 478p., ISBN 3-11-014878-1
Topics (ro): limbaj - educatie; minoritati lingvistice - drepturile omului
Topics (en): -
Position: F.1-SKUT UDC: 81'33:37
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Le défi migratoire: questions de relations internationales / sous la direction de Bertrand Badie, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Pol, 1994, Paris , (carte) 187 p., ISBN 2-7246-0650-7
Topics (ro): politica - relatii internationale; drepturile omului - imigrare; liberalism economic
Topics (en): politics - international relations; human rights - immigration; economic liberalism
Position: H.173-BAD UDC: 327
Series: Le Temps Mondial
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Copiii din România despre drepturile omului : Albumul copiilor = Romanian Children about Human Rights : Children's album/ [ingrijitor: Dakmara Georgescu]
Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei, 1996, Bucuresti , (carte) 39p.
Topics (ro): drepturile omului - România; desene - copii - drepturile omului - România
Topics (en): human rights - Romania; drawings - children - human rights - Romania
Position: B-GEO (2) UDC: 34

5. *
Educatie pentru Europa: Actele colocviului "Educatia pentru drepturile omului in România" org. de Actiunea Crestinilor pentru Abolirea Torturii - România, Bucuresti, 28-30 iunie 1996/ Editor: Victor Bârsan
Pythagora, 1997, Bucuresti , (carte) 160p., ISBN 973-98258-0-X
Topics (ro): invatamint - democratie - drepturile omului - România; educatie civica - Europa - 1997
Topics (en): education - democracy - human rights - Romania; civic education - Europe - 1997
Position: E-BAR UDC: 371(4)(047.53)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Zukunftsstreit / Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Krull; Redaktion und Übersetzung von Uwe Opolka
Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2000, Göttingen , (carte) 416 p., ISBN 3-934730-17-5
Topics (ro): drepturile omului - perspective trans-culturale; rolul muncii - viata si societate - globalizare; ecologie - sec. XX - economie; biotehnologie; bioetica; informatie si cunoastere - era electronica; filosofie politica; stiinta si tehnologie - sec. XXI
Topics (en): human rights - cross-cultural perspectives; role of working - life and society - globalization; ecology - 20th century, the - economics; biotechnology; bioethics; information and knowledge - electronic period; political philosophy; science and technology
Position: B.17-KRU UDC: 32.009:330:34:575
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Hotarâri ale Curtii Europene a Drepturilor Omului: Culegere selectiva/ Editie îngrijita de Monica Macovei; Cuvânt înainte de Lucian Mihai
Polirom, 2000, Iasi , (carte) 638p., ISBN 973-683-385-2
Topics (ro): drepturile omului - Europa - legi; Curtea Europeana (Strasbourg) - legislatie
Topics (en): human rights - Europe - rules, laws; European Court (Strasbourg) - legislation
Position: K-UE UDC: 341.24:341.231.14(4)
Series: Collegium
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives / edited by Julie Peters and Andrea Wolper
Routledge, 1994, New York and London , (carte) x, 372 p., ISBN 0-415-90995-3
Topics (ro): drepturile femeilor; drepturile omului; femei - statut legal, drept; feminism; gender studies - politica - cultura - drepturile omului
Topics (en): -
Position: R-PET UDC: 396.2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. *
Women and Social Policies in Europe: Work, Family, and the State / edited by Jane Lewis
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1993, Hants, England , (carte) x, 248 p., ISBN 1-85278-918-2
Topics (ro): feminism - munca; feminism - familie; feminism - stat; femei - drepturi; gender studies
Topics (en): feminism - labour; feminism - family; feminism - state; women - rights; gender studies
Position: R-LEW UDC: 396.5/.6
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. *
Survey : a journal of East & West Studies: Social and Economic Rights in the Soviet Bloc / edited and introduced by G. R. Uban
--, , (carte) 248 p.
Topics (ro): drepturi economice si sociale - blocul sovietic; drepturi sociale si economice - Europa de Est
Topics (en): economical and social rights - Soviet Bloc; economical and social rights - Eastern Europe
Position: H.1711-LAB UDC: 346(4)"19"

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