New Europe College

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1. *
L'Ermitage: Spiritualité du Désert/ par un Moine
s.n., s.a., s.l. , (carte) 165p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - eremitism; teologie ascetica si mistica; ascetism - desertul - muntele - templul
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-570 UDC: 271
Series: Pro manuscripto, hors commerce

2. Dunn, Marilyn
The Emergence of Monasticism: From the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages/ Marilyn Dunn
Blackwell Publishing, 2001, Malden, Oxford, [...] , (carte) viii, 280p., ISBN 1-4051-0641-7
Topics (ro): eremitism crestin; religie - viata monastica - istorie - Biserica primitiva/ sec.VI; ascetism; peregrini - Irlanda - monahism european
Topics (en): Christian hermitship, hermitry; religion - monastic life - history - primitive Church to the 6th c.; asceticism; pilgrims - Ireland - European monasticism
Position: G.1r52b-DUN UDC: 271
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Lacarrière, Jacques
Les hommes ivres de Dieu/ Jacques Lacarrière
Arthaud; Fayard ( Points; Sa33), 1961; 1975, Paris , (carte) 341p.; 286p. (F), ISBN 2-02-006566-5 (Fayard)
Topics (ro): crestinism - teologie ascetica si mistica; ascetism; eremitism - exil; anahoreti
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - ascetic and mystical theology; asceticism; hermitship, hermitry - exile; anachorites, hermits
Position: AS/G-273; MT/B-941 UDC: 248
Series: Signes des Temps; 12
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Leclercq, Jean
Problèmes de l'érémitisme/ Jean Leclercq
Abadia de Montserrat, 1963, Montserrat , (extras) pp.197-212
Topics (ro): eremitism; ascetism; teologie ascetica si mistica
Topics (en): hermitship, hermitry; asceticism; ascetic and mystical theology
Position: AS/G-260 UDC: 246.1
Series: Studia Monastica; Vol.V, Fasc.1

5. Leclercq, Jean
Seul avec Dieu: La vie érémitique d'après la doctrine du bienheureux Paul Giustiniani/ par Dom Jean Leclercq; Préface de Thomas Merton
Éditions d'histoire et d'art, Librairie Plon, 1955, Paris , (carte) 176p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - spiritualitate monastica; viata monastica; eremitism - Giustiniani, Paul; viata eremitica; vocatie eremitica; asceza eremitica; rugaciunea eremitului; teologie ascetica si mistica; iubirea universala; martiriul
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - monastic spirituality; monastic life; hermitship, hermitry - Giustiniani, Paul; heremitic life; heremitic vocation; hermitical asceticism; hermit's prayer; ascetic and mystical theology; universal love; martyrdom
Position: AS/G-271 UDC: 248
Series: Tradition Monastique: Collection de spiritualité monastique

6. Mondzain, Marie-José; Mihuleac, Wanda
Vox clamantis in deserto/ Marie-José Mondzain, Wanda Mihuleac
Editions Signum, s. a., s.l. , (carte) [21]p.
Topics (ro): religie crestina - Biblia - Noul Testament - Evanghelia lui Ioan - exegeza biblica; ascetism - eremitism - desert
Topics (en): Christian religion - Bible, the - New Testament, the - Gospel according to John - Biblical exegesis; asceticism - hermitship, hermitry - desert
Position: AS/G-200a UDC: 22