New Europe College

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1. Schifirnet, Constantin
Geneza moderna a ideii nationale: Psihologie etnica si identitate româneasca / Constantin Schifirnet
Albatros, 2001, Bucuresti , (carte) 636 p., ISBN 973-24-0839-1
Topics (ro): natiune si stat - organizarea federalista ; natiunea româna; etnicitate - natiune; identitate nationala - România - românism; psihologie etnica - identitate româneasca; geopolitica; nationalism; antisemitism; revolutie
Topics (en): nation and state - federal organization; Romanian nation; ethnicity - nation; national identity - Romania - Romanianism; ethnic psychology - Romanian identity; geopolitics; nationalism; anti-Semitism; Revolution
Position: Vh.7-SCH UDC: 94(=135.1):159.9
Series: Ethnos
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Smith, Anthony D.
Chosen Peoples / Anthony D. Smith
Oxford University Press, 2003, Oxford - New York , (carte) xxii, 330 p., ISBN 0-19-210017-3 (hbk)
Topics (ro): nationalism si religie; etnoistorie - nationalism - epoci de aur; etnicitate - natiune - comuniune sacra; tari sacre - popoare misionare - nationalism sacru
Topics (en): nationalism and religion; ethnohistory - nationalism - golden ages; ethnicity - nation - sacred communion; sacred homelands - missionary peoples - sacred nationalism
Position: H.174-SMI UDC: 323.1:2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Wade, Peter [Ed.]; Tyler, Katharine; Howell, Signe; Melhuus, Marit; Marre, Diana; Campbell, Ben; Porqueres i Gené, Enric; Dauksas, Darius
Race, ethnicity and Nation: Perspectives from Kinship and Genetics/ Edited by Peter Wade
Berghahn Books, 2007, New York - Oxford , (carte) 200p., ISBN 978-1-84545-355-8
Topics (ro): rasa - etnicitate - natiune; antropologie - rudenie - genetica - mostenire; rasa - biologie si cultura; etnicitate - familie - stat
Topics (en): race - ethnicity - nation; anthropology - kinship - genetics - inheritance; race - biology and culture; ethnicity - family - state
Position: P-WAD UDC: 572
Series: The Biosocial Society Series; Vol.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC