New Europe College

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1. Banateanu, Anne
La Théorie stoïcienne de l'amitié: Essai de reconstruction / Anne Banateanu
Éditions Universitaires Frigourg, Suisse - Éditions du CERF, Paris, 2001, Fribourg - Paris , (carte) 236 p., ISBN 2-204-06885-3, ISSN 1021-156X
Topics (ro): filosofie stoica - prietenie - texte grecesti si latine - Cicero - Plutarh - Seneca - Epictet - Marc; filosofie - stoicism - prietenie - filosofie morala - valori morale - filantropie
Topics (en): Stoic philosophy - friendship - Greek and Latin texts - Cicero - Plutarch - Seneca, Lucius Annaeus - Epictetus -; philosophy - Stoicism - friendship - moral philosophy - moral values - philanthropy, charity
Position: A.14-VES (27) UDC: 141.2
Series: Vestigia; 27
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Baya, Mohamed; Bucur, Maria; Cadagin, Joseph; Delcea, Sergiu, Diaconu, David; Dincovici, Alexandru; Georgescu, Diana; Juganaru, Andra; koszor-Codrea, Cosmin; Maftyei, Alexandru; Minea. Cosmin
New Europe College Yearbook 2022-2023: volume 1: Burning Witnesses in Limbo: Moroccan Diasporic Literature/ Mohamed Baya; Disability discourses in Romania before 1916/ Maria Bucur; Evocations of China in the music of György Ligeti/ Joseph Cadagin; Employers and the development of the interwar Romanian welfare state/ Sergiu Delcea; Long live the Forest! The Forest exploitation procedures and the power of the institutions. The case of the Romanian Communal villages / David Diaconu; Body awareness, activity trackers and the cognitive unconscious/ Alexandru Dincovici; For friendship and peace. Socialist Romania's international pioneer camps in the aftermath of War (1949-1959)/ Diana Georgescu; Jerome's Corpus of letters and network analysis/ Andra Juganaru; The Tyranny of schools: nature and nation in the schools of Transylvania and the Romanian Kingdom, 1870-1914/ Cosmin Koszor-Codrea; Intimate stories of migration and other important departures: a research using tools of narrative analysis/ Alexandru Maftei; Building the nation in stone and wood. Restorations and writings about historical monuments in the first half of the twentieth century in Romania/ Cosmin Minea; editor: Andreea Esanu
New Europe College, 2024, Bucharest , (anuar) 345p.:il., fig., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): György Ligeti; constientizare corporala; monitorizarea activitatii; China; exoticism; medicina; dizabilitati; filantropie; migratie; diaspora; literatura marocana; asistenta sociala; Romania; capitalism; exploatare forestiera; Romania; internationalism s
Topics (en): György Ligeti; body awareness; activity tracking; China; exotism; medicine; disabilities; philantropy; migration; diaspora; Moroccan literature; welfare; Romania; capitalism; forest exploitation; Romania; socialist internationalism; pioneer camps; Cold W
Position: anuar UDC: 009(058)

3. Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733
The Fable of the Bees or Private Vices, Publick Benefits. Volume one / by Bernard Mandeville; with a commentary critical, historical, and explanatory by F. B. Kaye
Liberty Fund, 1988, Indianapolis , (carte) cxlvi, 412 p., ISBN 0-86597-073-4 (hbk), ISSN 0-86597-072-6 (set)
Topics (ro): filosofie morala - etica - Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733 - scrieri; etica - virtute morala - filantropie, caritate - scoala pentru copii saraci
Topics (en): moral philosophy - ethics - Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733 - writings; ethics - moral virtue - charity - charity-school
Position: Ab.2-MAN (1) UDC: 170
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733
The Fable of the Bees or Private Vices, Publick Benefits. Volume two / by Bernard Mandeville; with a commentary critical, historical, and explanatory by F. B. Kaye
Liberty Fund, 1988, Indianapolis , (carte) 482 p., ISBN 0-86597-074-2 (hbk), ISSN 0-86597-072-6 (set)
Topics (ro): filosofie morala - etica - Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733 - scrieri; etica - virtute morala - filantropie, caritate - scoala pentru copii saraci
Topics (en): moral philosophy - ethics - Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733 - writings; ethics - moral virtue - charity - charity-school
Position: Ab.2-MAN (2) UDC: 170
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Seminarul de Antropologie Istorica
Caiete de antropologie istorica / Revista semestriala publicata de Seminarul de Antropologie Istorica; Colegiul editorial: Nicolae Bocsan, Valeriu Leu, Sorin Mitu, Toader Nicoara, Florin Platon, Paul H. Stahl, Barbu Stefanescu, Laurentiu Vlad
Accent, 2002-2004, Cluj-Napoca , (periodic) cca 176 p., ISSN 1583-2562
Topics (ro): antropologie istorica - România; istoriografie româneasca; demografie istorica - istoria familiei - România; natiune - nationalism; istoria mentalitatilor - imaginar; corpul uman - antropologie; istorie - filantropie - mila - asistenta sociala - saraci
Topics (en): historical anthropology - Romania; Romanian historiography; historical demography - family history - Romania; nation - nationalism; history of mentalities - imaginary; human body - anthropology; history - philanthropy, charity - charity - social work - po
Position: Periodic UDC: 949.8(045)

6. Singer, Amy
Charity in Islamic Society/ Amy Singer
Cambridge University Press, 2008, Cambridge , (carte) 246p., ISBN 978-0-521-52912-9
Topics (ro): tari islamice - institutii caritabile; Islam - filantropie; Musulmani - practici caritabile; tari islamice - economie
Topics (en): Islamic countries - charities; Islam - philantropy; Muslims, the - ?; Islamic countries - economy
Position: H.012b-SIN UDC: 177.72
Series: Themes in Islamic history
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC