New Europe College

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1. *
La Roumanie contemporaine - approches de la «transition» / Sous la direction de Nicolas Pélissier, Alice Marrié, François Despres
L'Harmattan, 1996, Paris , (carte) 276 p., ISBN 2-7384-4172-6
Topics (ro): strategii politice - România, postcomunism; economie de tranzitie - media - România; identitati culturale - România; România - istorie - epoca contemporana - tranzitie - postcomunism; religie - România - antropologie
Topics (en): political strategies - Romania, postcommunism; economy in transition - media - Romania; cultural identities - Romania; Romania - history - contemporary age - transition - post-communism; religion - Romania - anthropology
Position: Vh.63-PEL UDC: 339(498)
Series: Aujourd'hui l'Europe
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Identitäten: Erinnerung, Geschichte, Identität/ Hrsg. von Aleida Assmann und Heidrun Friese
Suhrkamp Verlag, 1998, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 461p., ISBN 3-518-29004-5
Topics (ro): identitate personala; identitate colectiva; feminism - identitate - literatura; gen - cultura - constructia identitatii; nationalism - identitate
Topics (en): personal identity; collective identity; feminism - identity - literature; gender - culture - building the identity; nationalism - identity
Position: H.174-E.G.I. (3) UDC: 930.1
Series: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft; 1404
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
The Frankfurt School: Critical Assessments, Volume IV / edited by Jay Bernstein
Routledge, 1994, London - New York , (carte) 320 p., ISBN 0-415-05858-9, ISSN 0-415-05859-7 (set)
Topics (ro): stiinte sociale - Scoala din Frankfurt, gindire - Germania - sec. XX; filosofie - rationalitate comunicativa - Scoala din Frankfurt - sec. XX - istorie; Adorno, Theodor - estetica - modernitate; poststructuralism - critica identitatii
Topics (en): social sciences - School of Frankfurt, thought - Germany - 20th c.; philosophy - communicative rationality - School of Frankfurt - 20th century - history; Adorno, Theodor - aesthetics - modernity; post-structuralism - identity criticism
Position: A.17-FRA-Ber (4) UDC: 141.7(430Frankfurt)"19"
Series: Critical Assessments of Leading Sociologists
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Pontes: Review of South East European Studies/ Moldova State University; UNESCO Chair of South East European Studies; Editors: Emil Dragnev, Virgil Pâslariuc, Igor Casu, Andrei Cusco, Petru Negura
CE USM, 2009, Chisinau , (periodic) cca 330p., ISSN 1812-333
Topics (ro): globalizare - identitate culturala - Sud-Estul Europei; construirea identitatii; ideologie - istoriografie - marxism - comunism - dupa; documente inedite
Topics (en): globalization - cultural identity - South Eastern Europe; identity construction; ideology - historiography - marxism - communism - after; unpublished documents
Position: Periodic UDC: 30+32

5. Abercrombie, Nicholas; Berman, Marshall; Bürger, Christa; Bürger, Peter; Burke, Peter; Featherstone, Mike; Friedman, Jonathan; Hoffmann-Axthelm, Dieter; Jay, Martin; Kellner, Douglas; Lash, Scott; Rorty, Richard; [...]
Modernity and Identity/ Edited by Scott Lash and Jonathan Friedman
Blackwell, 1992, Oxford, U.K.; Cambridge, U.S.A. , (carte) VIII, 380 p., ISBN 0-631-17586-5
Topics (ro): postmodernism; civilizatie moderna - identitate de grup; modernism - modernitatea celuilalt; subiectivitate - celalalt; cosmopolitism; cultura populara - identitati postmoderne; alteritate
Topics (en): postmodernism; modern civilization - group identity; modernism - the other's modernity; subjectivity - the other; cosmopolitanism; popular culture - postmodern identities; alterity
Position: Sa.1-LAS UDC: 303.4:008"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Affergan, Francis; Borutti, Silvana; Calame, Claude; Fabietti, Ugo; Kilani, Mondher; Remotti, Francesco
Figures de l'humain: Les représentations de l'anthropologie/ Francis Affergan, Silvana Borutti, Claude Calame, Ugo Fabietti, Mondher Kilani, Francesco Remotti
Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 2003, Paris , (carte) 358p., ISBN 2-7132-1790-3, ISSN 0249-5619
Topics (ro): antropologie - figura umana - reprezentari; fabricarea omului - modele rituale; identitati colective
Topics (en): anthropology - human figure - representations; fabrication of the human being - ritual models; collective identities
Position: P-AFF UDC: 39; 316; 572
Series: Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales = Studies in History and the Social Sciences; 98
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Anati, Emmanuel
La religion des origines/ Emmanuel Anati; Traduit de l'italien par Patrick Michel
Bayard Éditions, 1995, Paris , (carte) 185p., ISBN 2-227-31710-8
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - filosofia religiilor - antropologie; ritualism animal; mitul originii; pitecantrop - conceptualitate; credinte - ritualism - omul de Neandertal; metafizica identitatii; originile artei; gindire religioasa - origini; imagine - simbol -
Topics (en): history of religions - philosophy of religions - anthropology; animal ritualism; myth of the origin; pithecanthrope - conceptuality; creeds - ritualism - Neanderthal man; metaphysics of identity; origins of art; religious thinking - origins; image - symbo
Position: AS/H-67 UDC: 291.1
Series: Histoire
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Anawak, Jack; Arnold, Bettina; Barrett, John C.; Binford, Lewis R.; Blake, Michael; Clark, John E.; Duke, Philip; Earle, Timothy K.; Flannery, Kent V.; Gero, Joan; Gilman, Antonio; Hastorf, Christine A.; [...]
Contemporary Archaeology in Theory / edited by Robert Preucel and Ian Hodder
Blackwell Publishers, 2001, Oxford - Malden, MA , (carte) xiv, 678 p., ISBN 0-631-19561-0
Topics (ro): arheologie - simboluri materiale; arheologie - economie politica - evolutie sociala si culturala; arheologie - metodologie - sec. XX; arheologie - directii de cercetare - sec. XX-XXI; arheologie - feminism - studii de gen; arheologie - identitati
Topics (en): archaeology - material symbols; archaeology - political economics - social and cultural evolution; archaeology - methodology - 20th century, the; archaeology - research guidelines - 20th-21st century; archaeology - feminism - gender studies; archaeology -
Position: H.10-HOD UDC: 930.1(082.2)
Series: Social Archaeology
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Assoun, Paul-Laurent [ psihanalist francez, n.1948]
L'École de Francfort/ Paul-Laurent Assoun
Presses Universitaires de France, 1987, Paris , (carte) 128p.
Topics (ro): filosofia moderna - filosofia germana - scoala de la Frankfurt - inceptul sec.XX; teoria critica - criza identitatii; sociologia critica; psihanaliza si teoria critica; filosofia critica a istoriei
Topics (en): modern philosophy - German philosophy - Frankfurt School - early 20th c.; critical theory - identity crisis; critical sociology; psychoanalysis and critical theory; critical philosophy of history
Position: MT/A-1010 UDC: 14(430Frankfurt)"19"(09)
Series: Que sais-je? Collection encyclopédique; 2354

10. Baker, Lynne Rudder; Bechtel, William; Block, Ned; Bratman, Michael E.; Budd, Malcolm; Byrne, Alex; Cherniak, Christopher; Chomsky, Noam; Churchland, Paul M.; Clark, Andy; Copeland, B. Jack; Crame, Rim; Dennett, Daniel C.; Dretske, Fred; [...]
A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind / Edited by Samuel Guttenplan
Blackwell Publishing, 1993, Malden, MA - Oxford , (carte) xiv, 642 p., ISBN 0-631-19996-9 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofia mintii - cognitie; teoria computationala a mintii - inteligenta artificiala; conectionism - stiinte cognitive; psihologie cognitiva - semantica; epifenomenalism; filosofia mintii - teoriile identitatii - intentionalitate; limgajul gandirii - fil
Topics (en): philosophy of mind - cognition; computational theory of mind - artificial intelligence; connectionism - cognitive sciences; cognitive psychology - semantics; epiphenomenalism; philosophy of mind - theories of identity - intentionality; language of thought
Position: Ad.0-GUT UDC: 165.7
Series: Blackwell Companions to Philosophy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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