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1. Berenson, Bernard [1865-1959]
Aesthetics and History / by Bernard Berenson
Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1953, Garden City, N.Y. , (carte) 284 p.
Topics (ro): arta si filosofie; arta - estetica - principii de evaluare - valoare; arta - valoare - materiale - culoare - decoratie - proportie - compozitie - peisaj; arta vizuala - ilustratie - valoare; arta - reprezentare vizuala; arta - stil; istoria artei
Topics (en): art and philosophy; fine arts - aesthetics - valuation principles - value; fine arts - value - materials - colour - decoration, adornment - proportion - composition - landscape; visual art - illustration - value; fine arts - visual representation; fine ar
Position: U.02-BER UDC: 7.01
Series: Doubleday Anchor Books

2. Berenson, Bernard [1865-1959]
Aethetics and History in the Visual Arts/ Bernard Berenson
Pantheon Books Inc., 1948, New York , (carte) 260p.
Topics (ro): arta si filosofie; arta - estetica - principii de evaluare - valoare; arta - valoare - materiale - culoare - decoratie - proportie - compozitie - peisaj; arta vizuala - ilustratie - valoare; reprezentare vizuala; stil; istoria artei
Topics (en): art and philosophy; fine arts - aesthetics - valuation principles - value; fine arts - value - materials - colour - decoration, adornment - proportion - composition - landscape; illustration - value; visual representation; stile; fine arts history
Position: MT/A-3248 UDC: 118.85(09); 7.01(09)

3. Berenson, Bernard [1865-1959]
Esthétique et Histoire des arts visuels/ Bernard Berenson; Traduction et preface de Jean Alazard
Éditions Albin Michel, 1953, Paris , (carte) 286p.
Topics (ro): arta si filosofie; arta - estetica - principii de evaluare - valoare; arta - valoare - materiale - culoare - decoratie - proportie - compozitie - peisaj; arta vizuala - ilustratie - valoare; reprezentare vizuala; stil; istoria artei
Topics (en): art and philosophy; fine arts - aesthetics - valuation principles - value; fine arts - value - materials - colour - decoration, adornment - proportion - composition - landscape; illustration - value; visual representation; stile; fine arts history
Position: MT/A-3251 UDC: 118.85(09); 7.01(09)

4. Boehm, Gottfried [Ed.]; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Lacan, Jacques; Gadamer, Hans-Georg; Jonas, Hans; Danto, Arthur C.; Polanyi, Michael; Wohlfart, Günter; Salmann, Elmar; [...]
Was ist ein Bild?/ Herausgegeben von Gottfried Boehm
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2006, München , (carte) 459p., ISBN 3-7705-2920-0
Topics (ro): imagine - cuvint; libertatea imaginii; linie si lumina; ilustratie si descriere; imagine si absolut; semiotica - arta vizuala; estetica suprematista
Topics (en): image - word; freedom of image; line and light; illustration and description; image and absolute; semiotics - visual art; suprematist aesthetics
Position: U.017-BOE UDC: 7.01; 75.01; 82.01
Series: Bild und Text/ hrsg. von Gottfried Boehm u. Karlheinz Stierle
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Bolzoni, Lina
The Gallery of Memory: Literary and Iconographic Models in the Age of the Printing Press/ Lina Bolzoni; Translated by Jeremy Parzen
University of Toronto Press, 2001, Toronto, Buffalo, London , (carte) xxv, 332p., ISBN 0-8020-4330-5
Topics (ro): tipar - Italia - istorie - sec.XVI; literatura italiana - sec.XVI - istorie si critica; ilustratie de carte - sec.XVI - Italia; memorie - istorie - sec.XVI; Accademia Veneziana; jocuri de memorie; corp si suflet - natura imaginilor; memorie si colectie; m
Topics (en): printing - Italy - history - 16th c.; Italian literature - 16th c. - history and criticism; illustration of books - 16th c. - Italy; memory - history - 16th c.; Accademia Veneziana; memory games; body and soul - nature of images; memory and collecting; me
Position: T.2-BOL UDC: 686.2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Bredekamp, Horst
Thomas Hobbes Visuelle Strategien: Der Leviathan: Urbild des modernen Staates. Werkillustrationen und Portraits/ Horst Bredekamp
Akademie Verlag, 1999, Berlin , (carte) 265p., ISBN 3-05-003349-5
Topics (ro): filosofie politica - Hobbes, Thomas - sec. XVII - Anglia; teoria moderna a statului - imagine - Leviathan - iconografie politica; ilustratie de carte - portret; Leviathan - corp - cosmos
Topics (en): political philosophy - Hobbes, Thomas - 17th century - England; modern state theory - image - Leviathan - political iconography; book illustration - portrait; Levoathan - body - cosmos
Position: A.2-HOB-Bre UDC: 14*Hobbes,Thomas
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Brigalda-Barbas, Eleonora
Igor Vieru: [Monografie]/ Eleonora Brigalda-Barbas
Editura Arc, 2004, Chisinau , (carte) 96p., ISBN 978-9975-61-096-4
Topics (ro): biografie - Vieru, Igor, 1923-1988; ilustratie de carte - Vieru, Igor - Basarabia - sec.XX; pictura - Vieru, Igor - Basarabia - sec.XX
Topics (en): biography - Vieru, Igor, 1923-1988; book illustration - Vieru, Igor - Bessarabia - 20th c.; painting - Vieru, Igor - Bessarabia - 20th c.
Position: Vu.17-MAE UDC: 75Vieru, Igor(498Basarabia)"19"(084.1)
Series: Maestri Basarabemi din secolul XX
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Demszky, Gabor; Rajk, Laszlo; Sasvari, Edit
Földalatti vonalak = Underground Lines = Untergrundlinien/ Demszky Gabor, Rajk Laszlo, Sasvari Edit; Deutsche Übersetzung: Wilhelm Droste; English translation: Stephen Humphries
Jelenkor Kiado, 2000, Pecs , (album) 112p., ISBN 963-676-260-0
Topics (ro): grafica - afis - ilustratie - Rajk, Laszlo - Ungaria - 1970-1989
Topics (en): graphics - poster - Rajk, Laszlo - Hungaria - 1970-1989
Position: U.172-DEM UDC: 76(439.1)"196/198"Rajk,Laszlo(081.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Dimitriu, Oana-Lucia
Ilustratia cartii romanesti vechi in secolul al XVIII-lea in colectiile Bibliotecii Academiei Romane: gravura. Vol.I: Tara Romaneasca/ Oana - Lucia Dimitriu
Editura Academiei Romane, 2023, Bucuresti , (carte) 539p.: il., ISBN 978-973-27-3734-7; 978-973-27-3735-4
Topics (ro): carte veche - ilustratie - Tara Romaneasca - sec.XVIII; tipografii -Tara Romaneasca - sec.XVIII; carte veche - gravura - Tara Romaneasca - sec. XVIII
Topics (en): old books - illustration - Wallachia - 18thc.; printing houses - Wallachia - 18thc.; old books - engraving - Wallachia - 18thc.
Position: Vu.16-DIM (1) UDC: 091; 016
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Dimitriu, Oana-Lucia
Ilustratia cartii romanesti vechi din secolul al XVIII-lea in colectiile Bibliotecii Academiei Romane: Gravura. Vol. II: Moldova si Transilvania / Oana-Lucia Dimitriu
Editura Academiei Romane, 2023, Bucuresti , (carte) 512p.: il., ISBN 978-973-27-3734-7; 978-973-27-3736-1
Topics (ro): carte veche - ilustratie - Moldova - Tranilvania - sec.XVIII; carte veche - gravura - Moldova - Transilvania - sec. XVIII; tipografii - Moldova - Transilvania - sec.XVIII
Topics (en): old books - illustration - Moldavia - Transylvania - 18thc.; old books - engraving - Moldavia - Transylvania - 18thc.; printing houses - Moldavia - Transylvania - 18thc.
Position: Vu.16-DIM (2) UDC: 091; 016
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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