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1. *
Immanente Ästhetik , Ästhetische Reflexion: Lyrik als Paradigma der Moderne; Kolloquium Köln 1964 Vorlagen und Verhandlungen / Herausgegeben von W. Iser
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1991, München , (carte) 544 p., ISBN 3-7705-0105-5
Topics (ro): obscuritate - lirica clasica greaca si latina; sintaxa - lirica, Mallarmé; estetica - lirica moderna; suprarealism; poetica imanenta
Topics (en): obscurity - Greek and Latin classical lyrics; syntax - lyrics, Mallarmé; aesthetics - modern lyrical poems; Surrealism; immanent poetics
Position: T.2-P.u.H. (2) UDC: 82.0
Series: Poetik und Hermeneutik; 2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Arnou, René
Le désir de Dieu dans la philosophie de Plotin/ par René Arnou
Presses de l'Université Grégorienne, 1967, Rome , (carte) 343p.
Topics (ro): frumosul; Unul; intelect; realitate sensibila - realitate inteligibila; suflet - corp; neoplatonism; filosofie antica - sec.III - Plotin; inefabil; binele - raul; etica; misticism; teologie; dorinta - imanenta - transcendenta - Dumnezeu (Theos)
Topics (en): the beautiful; the One; intellect; palpable reality - intelligible reality; soul - body; neo-Platonism; ancient philosophy - 3rd century - Plotinus; ineffable; good, the - evil, the; ethics; mysticism; theology; desire - immanence - transcendence - God (
Position: AS/R-29 UDC: 14(437)Plotin

3. Genette, Gérard
L'Oeuvre de l'art : I: Immanence et transcendance/ Gérard Genette
Éditions du Seuil, 2001, Paris , (carte) 304p., ISBN 2-02-021736-8
Topics (ro): teoria artei; literatura franceza - eseistica - sec.XX; arta - imanenta - transcendenta
Topics (en): art theory; French literature - essay writing - 20th century; fine arts - immance - transcendence
Position: T.2-GEN (1) UDC: 821.133.1-4:7.01
Series: Poétique
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Henry, Michel [ filosof si scriitor francez, 1922-2002]
L'essence de la manifestation, Tome premier/ Michel Henry
Presses Universitaires de France, 1963, Paris , (carte) 476p.
Topics (ro): monism ontologic; filosofie contemporana - Franta; esenta manifestarii; fenomenologie universala; ontologie - ego; transcendenta - imanenta
Topics (en): onthologic monadism; contemporary philosophy - France; the nature of manifestation; universal phenomenology; ontology - ego; transcendence - immance
Position: AS/R-182 UDC: 14(44)19Henry,Michel
Series: Epiméthée: Essais philosophiques

5. Henry, Michel [ filosof si scriitor francez, 1922-2002]
L'essence de la manifestation, Tome Second/ Michel Henry
Presses Universitaires de France, 1963, Paris , (carte) pp.477-908
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Franta; esenta manifestarii; ontologie - ego; fenomenologie universala; monism ontologic; transcendenta - imanenta
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - France; the nature of manifestation; ontology - ego; universal phenomenology; onthologic monadism; transcendence - immance
Position: AS/R-183 UDC: 14(44)19Henry,Michel
Series: Epiméthée: Essais philosophiques

6. Lévinas, Emmanuel [1905-1995]
De Dieu qui vient à l'idée / Emmanuel Lévinas
Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1998, Paris , (carte) 272 p., ISBN 2-7116-1120-5
Topics (ro): filosofie - Lévinas, Emmanuel - Franta - sec. XX; metafizica - imanenta - idealism; filosofie - Dumnezeu - hermeneutica
Topics (en): -
Position: A.2-LEV UDC: 111.8*Lévinas, Em.
Series: Bibliothèque des Textes Philosophiques
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Pârvu, Ilie
Posibilitatea experientei: O reconstructie teoretica a 'Criticii ratiunii pure' / Ilie Pârvu
Politeia - SNSPA, 2004, Bucuresti , (carte) 448 p., ISBN 973-86701-9-5
Topics (ro): filosofie analitica - ratiune - Critica ratiunii pure, Immanuel Kant - reconstructie teoretica; filosofie - teoria transcendentala - gindire imanenta - dialectia transcendentala - Kant; filosofie analitica - teoria transcendentala - structura argumentativ
Topics (en): analytic philosophy - reason - the Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant - theoretical reconstruction; philosophy - transcendental theory - immanent thinking - transcendental dialectic - Kant; analytic philosophy - transcendental theory - argumentative s
Position: Va.2-PAR UDC: 165.63
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Rickert, Heinrich [ Heinrich John Rickert, filosof neokantian, 1863-1936]
Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis: Einführung in die Transzendentalphilosophie/ von Heinrich Rickert
Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1921, Tübingen , (carte) xvi, 395p.
Topics (ro): filosofie transcendentala - obiectul cunoasterii; filosofie germana moderna - Rickert, Heinrich; neokantianism - Rickert, Heinrich; teoria cunoasterii; imanenta; obiectivitatea; idealism transcendental - realism empiric
Topics (en): Transcendental philosophy - the object of knowledge; modern German philosophy - Rickert, Heinrich; neo-kantianism - Rickert, Heinrich; theory of knowledge; immanence; objectivity; transcendental idealism - empirical realism
Position: MT/A-2675 UDC: 14*Rickert, Heinrich

9. Welte, Bernard [1906-1983]
La foi philosophique chez Jaspers et saint Thomas d'Aquin / Bernard Welte; traduit de l'allemand par Marc Zemb
Desclée de Brouwer, 1958, Paris , (carte) 282 p.
Topics (ro): transcendenta; Jaspers, Karl - filosofie - credinta - sec.XX; Toma de Aquino, sf., calugar dominican si teolog (cca 1225-1274) - filosofie medievala - teologie; imanenta - situatie limita - transcendenta; metafizica spirituala
Topics (en): transcendence; Jaspers, Karl - philosophy - belief / faith - 20th century; Thomas Aquinas, St., Dominicane monk and theologist (ca 1225-1274) - Medieval philosophy - theology; immanence - limit situation - transcendence; spiritual metaphysics
Position: AS/R-44 UDC: 130.3*Toma de Aquino:14Jaspers,Karl
Series: Textes et études philosophiques