Posibilitatea experientei: O reconstructie teoretica a 'Criticii ratiunii pure' / Ilie Pârvu
Politeia - SNSPA, 2004, Bucuresti
, (carte) 448 p., ISBN 973-86701-9-5
Topics (ro): filosofie analitica - ratiune - Critica ratiunii pure, Immanuel Kant - reconstructie teoretica; filosofie - teoria transcendentala - gindire imanenta - dialectia transcendentala - Kant; filosofie analitica - teoria transcendentala - structura argumentativ Topics (en): analytic philosophy - reason - the Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant - theoretical reconstruction; philosophy - transcendental theory - immanent thinking - transcendental dialectic - Kant; analytic philosophy - transcendental theory - argumentative s | | Position: Va.2-PAR
UDC: 165.63
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