New Europe College

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1. *
Schubert: Numéro spécial de la Revue Musicale/ avec la collaboration de: la Comtesse de Noailles, André Suarès, H. BIehle, Otto Erich Deutsch, Martial Douel, L. Landry, P. Lang, Lazare Lévy, Robert Pitrou, J.G. Prod'homme, B. de Schloezer, Van den Borren
La Revue Musicale, 1928, Paris , (periodic) 96p.: ill, n.muz.
Topics (ro): muzica austriaca - Schubert, Franz Peter - inceputul sec. XIX - Romantism; biografie - Schubert, Franz Peter, 1897-1828
Topics (en): Austrian music - Schubert, Franz Peter - early 19th c. - Romanticism; biography - Schubert, Franz Peter, 1897-1828
Position: VI/A-137 UDC: 78Schubert,Franz; 929Schubert, Franz"1797/1828"

2. *
L'Arc: Revue trimestrielle, no.67: Gustav Mahler/ Directeur: Stéphane Cordier
Éditions du Minuit, 1976, Paris , (periodic) 80p.
Topics (ro): muzica austriaca - Mahler, GUstav - romantism - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX; biografie - Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911
Topics (en): Austrian music - Mahler, GUstav - Romanticism - 19th c. - early 20th c.; biography - Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911
Position: VI/A-100 UDC: 78(436)"18/19"Mahler,Gustav

3. *
Revue Mahler: Une revue semestrielle d'études mahlériennes = Mahler Review: A biannual review for mahlerian studies/ Henry-Louis de La GRange, Herta Blaukopf, Christopher O. Lewis, Vera Micznik, James L. Zychowicz
Bibliothèque Musicale Gustav Mahler, 1987, Paris , (periodic) 128p.
Topics (ro): muzica austriaca - Mahler, Gustav - romantism - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX; biografie - Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911
Topics (en): Austrian music - Mahler, Gustav - Romanticism - 19th c. - early 20th c.; biography - Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911
Position: VI/A-99 UDC: 78(436)"18/19"Mahler,Gustav(07)

4. *
Colloque International Gustav Mahler, 25-27 Janvier 1985/ Avant-propos Rudolf Altmüller, Patricia Dauge, Laurent Barrois; Introduction Henry-Louis de La Grange
Association Gustav Mahler, 1986, Paris , (carte) 120p., ISBN 2-905296-01-1
Topics (ro): colocviu - Gustav Mahler - Paris - 1985; muzica austriaca - Mahler, Gustav - romantism - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX; biografie - Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911
Topics (en): colloquium - Gustav Mahler - Paris - 1985; Austrian music - Mahler, Gustav - Romanticism - 19th c. - early 20th c.; biography - Mahler, Gustav, 1860-1911
Position: VI/A-96 UDC: 061.3(44Paris)"1985":78Mahler,Gustav(082)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Debussy/ Directeur-rédacteur en chef: Thierry de la Croix
Éditions de la Différence, 1987, Paris , (carte) 254,[34]p., ISBN 2-7291-0249-3
Topics (ro): muzica franceza - Debussy, Claude - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX; biografie - Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918
Topics (en): French music - Debussy, Claude - 19th c. - early 20th c.; biography - Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918
Position: VI/A-42 UDC: 78(44)"18/19"Debussy,Claude
Series: Silences; 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Aktualnye problemy Europy: naucnyj zurnal = Urgent Problems of Europe: Scientific journal/ Institut naucnoj informacij po obscestvennym naukam RAN
RAN. INION, 2012, Moskva , (periodic) 200p., ISSN 0235-5620
Topics (ro): istorie si politica - Europa - inceputul sec.XXI; probleme europene - inceputul sec.XXI
Topics (en): history and politics - Europe - early 21st c.; European problems - early 21st c.
Position: periodic UDC: 94(4)"20"(07); 32(4)"20"(07)

7. *
Femart: [catalogul expozitiei]/ org.: UAP din România si UNA, Bucuresti; cxoordonatori eveniment: Romana Mateias, Emilia Persu, Marilena Preda Sânc, Beti Vervega; Coord. publicatie: Romana Mateias, Marilena Preda Sânc; Texte critice: Magda Cârneci, Laura Grünberg
Editura UNARTE, 2012, Bucuresti , (carte) 75p., ISBN 978-973-606-8296-43-2
Topics (ro): arta contemporana româneasca - artiste românce - inceputul sec.XXI; expozitie - artiste românce contemporane - Bucuresti - 2012
Topics (en): contemporary Românian art - Romanian women artists - early 21st c.; exhibition - contemporary Romanian women artists - Bucharest - 2012
Position: Vu.3-MAT UDC: 061.4(498Buc.)"2012"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Journal of Early Modern Studies [ JEMS]/ Edited by the Research Centre Foundations of Modern Thought, University of Bucharest; Editors: Vlad Alexandrescu, Dana Jalobeanu
Zeta Books, 2012-2013, Bucharest , (periodic) , ISSN 2285-6382
Topics (ro): Republica Literelor - comunicare - inceputul Modernitatii europene; filosofie - studii; modernism - studii
Topics (en): Republic of Letters - communication - Early Modern Europe; philosophy - studies; modernity - studies
Position: periodic UDC: 1(07)

9. Abelshauser, Werner
Kulturkamps: Der deutsche Weg in die Neue Wirtschaft und die amerikanische Herausforderung/ Werner Abelshauser
Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2003, Berlin , (carte) 232 p., ISBN 3-931659-51-8
Topics (ro): noua economie - Germania; modelul american - economia moderna; economie - inceputul sec.XXI - Germania vs. SUA
Topics (en): New Economy - Germany; American model - modern economy; economy - early 21st c. - Germany vs. USA
Position: Jc-ABE UDC: 33(430)"19/20"
Series: Kulturwissenschaftliche Interventionen; Bd. 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Agamben, Giorgio [n. 1942]
Profanari/ Giorgio Agamben; traducere: Alex Cistelecan
Editura Tact, 2010, Cluj-Napoca , (carte) 80p., ISBN 978-606-92030-5-7
Topics (ro): filosofie - eseistica - Agamben, Giorgio - inceputul sec.XXI; geniu; fotografie; asistenti; parodie; cinematografie
Topics (en): philosophy - essay writing - Agamben, Giorgio - early 21st c.; genius; photography; assistants; parody; cinematography
Position: A.2-AGA UDC: 14*Agamben, Giorgio
Series: Colectia Angelus Novus/ coord.: Andrei State, Alex Cistelecan
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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