New Europe College

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1. *
Induction et probabilité
Hermann & Cie, Éditeurs, 1936, Paris , (carte) 66p.
Topics (ro): inductie - probabilitate; calculul probabilitatilor - logica polivalenta
Topics (en): induction - probability; calculus of probability - polyvalent logic, the
Position: CP-120 UDC: 16:51
Series: Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles; 391

2. Bejinariu, Alexandru; Grama, Adrian, Ilina, Alexandra; Ioan, Razvan; Iuga, Anamaria; Safta-Zecheria, Leyla; Sorescu, Andrei; Tesar, Catalina, Voinea, Andrei Razvan; New Europe College
New Europe College Stefan Odobleja Program Yearbook 2019-2020: Knowing from experience: on induction in a broader sense and the intuition of essences/ Alexandru Bejinariu; Seeing like a bank: a money lender's perspective on the end of the Cold War/ Adrian Grama; La figure de Narcisse dans la littérature médiévale/ Alexandra Ilina; Religious imagination and immigration in Spinoza's political treatise/ Razvan Ioan; Narratives of space: Traditions between oral and written memory/ Anamaria Iuga; Divided collective memory and the judicialization of (past) necropolitical practices around institutions for children with disabilities in Romania / Leyla Safta-Zecheria; Peddlers, peasants, icons, engravings: the portrait of the tsar and Romanian nation-building, 1888-1916/ Andrei Sorescu; The Time of the chalice: of marriages, ancestors, and sons among gypsies in Romania/ Catalina Tesar; red Grivita: the building of a socialist neighborhood in Bucharest (1944-1958)/ Andrei Razvan Voinea; [editor: Irina Vainovski-Mihai]
New Europe College, 2021, Bucharest , (anuar) 308p.: portr., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): fenomenologie - inductie - intuitie; lirica medievale - Narcis; Europa de Est - razboiul rece
Topics (en): phenomenology - induction - intuition; medieval lyrics - Narcissus; Eastern Europe - Cold War
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(045)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook

3. Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838 - 1917)
Versuch über die Erkenntnis/ Franz Brentano; aus seinem Nachlasse hrsg. von Alfred Kastil
Verlag von Felix Meiner, 1925, Leipzig , (carte) xx, 222p.
Topics (ro): inductie; legea cauzalitatii - imposibilitatea hazardului absolut; logica - matematica; filosofia stiintei - filosofia judecatii; cunoastere; filosofie - psihologie - Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838 - 1917); probabilitate
Topics (en): induction; causality law - impossibility of absolute hazard; logic - mathematics; philosophy of science - philosophy of reason; knowledge; philosophy - psychology - Brentano, Franz Clemens, 1838-1917 -; probability
Position: CP-27; MT/A-1282 UDC: 159.9Brentano, Franz
Series: Die Philosophische Bibliothek; Bd.194

4. Cresson, André
Réactions intellectuelles élémentaires/ par André Cresson
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1922, Paris , (carte) 153p.
Topics (ro): logica - reactie intelectuala - rationament; rationament analogic inconstient; inductie - deductie; asociatia de idei; reprezentare; perceptie exterioara; imaginatie
Topics (en): -
Position: CP-65 UDC: 16(44)"19"Cresson,André

5. Essler, Wilhelm K.
Wissenschaftstheorie, III: Wahrscheinlichkeit und Induktion/ Wilhelm K. Essler
Verlag Karl Alber, 1973, Freiburg/ München , (carte) 176p., ISBN 3-495-47233-9
Topics (ro): stiinta - teoria stiintei; probabilitate - inductie; logica inductiva; inductie - statistica; metoda inductiva
Topics (en): science - theory of science; probability - induction; inductive logic; induction - statistics; inductive method
Position: B.0-ESS (3) UDC: 5/6:1
Series: Kolleg Philosophie
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Flew, A.; Everson, S.; Anderson, R.F.; Laird, J.; Flage, D. E.; Maund, C.; Hausman, D.; Ushenko, A.; Lennon, T.M.; [...]
David Hume: Critical Assessments. Volume I: Epistemology and Reason / Edited by Stanley Tweyman
Routledge, 1995, London - New York , (carte) xxii, 330 p., ISBN 0-415-11779-8, ISSN 0-415-02012-3 (set)
Topics (ro): filosofie - Hume, David (1711-1776), despre - Anglia; Hume, David - epistemologie - ratiune; justificare - model uman; imaginatie - intelegere umana - Hume, David; ratiune - deductie - inductie; scepticism
Topics (en): -
Position: A.2-HUM-Twe (1) UDC: 165*Hume, David
Series: The Routledge Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Jeffrey, Richard
Subjective Probability: The Real Thing / Richard Jeffrey
Cambridge University Press, 2004, Cambridge - New York , (carte) xvi, 124 p., ISBN 0-521-53668-5 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie - matematica - teoria probabilitatilor; logica - probabilitate - mod de a judeca - punct de vedere subiectiv; logica - disolutie - problema inductiei - teoria deciziei
Topics (en): philosophy - mathematics - probability theory; logic - probability - mode of judgment - subjective point of view; logic - dissolution - problem of induction - decision theory
Position: Aa.2-JEF UDC: 161
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Jevons, William Stanley [ economist si logician englez, 1835-1882]
Leitfaden der Logik/ von William Stanley Jevons; Autorisierte deutsche Übersetzung nach der 22. Auflage des englischen Originals von Hans Kleinpeter
Verlag von Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1924, Leipzig , (carte) 328p.
Topics (ro): logica - concept - judecata - concluzie; metiode; inductie
Topics (en): logic - concept - judgment - conclusion; methods; induction
Position: MT/A-3089 UDC: 16

9. Maiorescu, Titu [ 1840-1917]
Scrieri de logica/ Titu Maiorescu; Stabilirea textelor, traducerea, studii introductive si note de Alexandru Surdu; Prefata de Sorin Vieru
Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1988, Bucuresti , (carte) 301 p.
Topics (ro): logica - Maiorescu, Titu; logica elementara; prelegeri de logica; teoria judecatilor; teoria silogismelor; metodologia; descrierea si clasificarea; definitia si diviziunea; teoria demonstratiei; teoria inductiei
Topics (en): logic - Maiorescu, Titu; elementary logic; lectures of logic; theory of judgments; theory of syllogisms; methodology; description and classification; definition and division; demonstration theory; induction theory
Position: MT/A-3068 UDC: 16*Maiorescu, Titu
Series: Biblioteca de filosofie. Seria Filosofie româneasca

10. Popper, Karl R. (1902-1994)
Logica cercetarii / Karl R. Popper; studiu introductiv si note de Mircea Flonta; traducere de Mircea Flonta, Alexandru Surdu si Erwin Tivig
Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1981, Bucuresti , (carte) 460 p.
Topics (ro): logica stiintei; inductie - logica; logica - metodologie; teoria experientei - deducerea predictiilor; falsificabilitate - logica; probabilitate; teoria cuantica
Topics (en): logic of science; induction - logic; logic - methodology; theory of experience - deduction of predicting; falsifiability - logic; probability; quantum theory
Position: A.2-POPP UDC: 165.64:5=135.1

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