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Found books: 1 - 6 (total 6 t: a: ).

1. Cohn, Jonas [ filosof si pedagog german, 1869-1947]
Histoire de l'infini: Le problem de l'infini dans la pensée occidentale jusqu'à Kant/ Jonas Cohn; Traduction de l'allemand et presentation par Jean Seidengart
Les Éditions du Cerf, 1994, Paris , (carte) 265, [6]p., ISBN 2-204-04860-7, ISSN 0298-9972
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Cohn, Jonas - sec.XIX-XX; istoria filosofiei occidentale - istoria infinitului
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Cohn, Jonas - 19th-20th c.; history of Western philosophy - infinity history
Position: MT/A-1346 UDC: 14*Cohn, Jonas:14(4-15)(09)
Series: Psssages:
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Duhem, Pierre
Medieval Cosmology: Theories of Infinity, Place, Time, Void, and the Plurality of Worlds/ Pierre Duhem; Edited and Translated by Roger Ariew
The University of Chicago Press, 1985, Chicago and London , (carte) xxxi, 601p., ISBN 0-226-16923-5
Topics (ro): cosmologie medievala; infinitul - cosmologie - evul mediu; scolastica - infinitul; loc - timp - pluralitatea lumilor; vid - miscarea in vid; filosofie peripatetica; filosofie scolastica
Topics (en): medieval cosmology; infinity, the - cosmology - Middle Ages; scholasticism - infinity, the; place - time - plurality of worlds; void/ vacuum -; Peripatetic philosophy; scolastic philosophy
Position: B.14-DUH UDC: 52"03/13"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Koyré, Alexandre
Études d'histoire de la pensée philosophique / Alexandre Koyré
Gallimard, 1971, Paris , (carte) 366 p.
Topics (ro): istoria gindirii filosofie; istoria filosofiei; paradoxul lui Zenon; Bergson, H. - intuitionism; infinitul - Descartes; Bolzano, B - infinit; masinism - filosofia masinii
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/R-206 UDC: 1(091)
Series: Collection Tel

4. Müller, Max [ filosof german, 1906-1994]
Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by the religions of India/ by F. Max Müller
Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901, London and Bombay , (carte) xvi, 408, [40]p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - prelegeri; religiile indiene - origine si evolutie; perceptia infinitului; fetisismul; henoteism - politeism - monoteism - ateism; filosofie si religie
Topics (en): history of religions - lectures; Indian religions - origin and evolution; perception of infinity; fetishism; henotheism - polytheism - monotheism - atheism; philosophy and religion
Position: MT/B-273 UDC: 291: 294.3
Series: Collected Works of The Right Hon. F. Max Müller; IX

5. Riehl, Alois Adolf [ filosof austriac, 1844-1924]
Der philosophische Kritizismus: Geschichte und System, Dritter Band: Zur Wissenschaftstheorie und Metaphysik/ Alois Riehl; herausgegeben von Hans Heyse und Eduard Spranger
Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1976, Leipzig , (carte) viii, 354, [2]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - criticism filosofic - istorie si sistem; teoria stiintei si metafizica; filosofia ca problema; limitele si premisele cunoasterii; filosofia transcendentala; problema cosmologica a infinitului
Topics (en): modern philosophy - philosophical criticism - history and system; science theory and metaphysics; philosophy as a problem; boundaries and prerequisites for knowledge; transcendental philosophy; cosmological problem of infinity
Position: MT/A-874 UDC: 14(09)

6. Russell, Bertrand Arthur William (1872-1970)
La method scientifique en philosophie et Notre connaissance du monde extérieur/ Bertrand Russell; Traduit de l'anglais pr Philippe Devaux; Préface de Marcel Bazin
Payot, 1972, Paris , (carte) 250, [6]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - Russell, Bertrand - sec. XX; cunoasterea lumii exterioare - lumea fizica si lumea sensibila; infinitul; notiunea de cauza; continuum; problema libertatii
Topics (en): philosophy - Russell, Bertrand - 20th c.; knowledge of the external world - the physical world and sensitive world; infinity; the notion of cause; continuum; issue of freedom
Position: MT/A-2700 UDC: 14*Russell, Bertrand
Series: Petite Bibliothèque Payot; 171