New Europe College

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1. *
Logic, Action, Information: Essays on Logic in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence/ Edited by André Fuhrmann and Hans Rott
Walter de Gruyter, 1996, Berlin, New York , (carte) X, 476p., ISBN 3-11-013994-4
Topics (ro): logica - actiune - informatie; filosofie - logica - inteligenta artificiala; logica matematica
Topics (en): logic - action - information; philosophy - logic - artificial intelligence; mathematical logic
Position: Aa.0-FUH UDC: 16
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Enteignen uns die Wissenschaften? : Zum Verhältnis zwischen Erfahrung und Empirire/ Hrsg.[von] Hans Julius Schneider [und] Rüdiger Inhetveen
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1992, München , (carte) 216p., ISBN 3-7705-2797-6
Topics (ro): experienta - stiintele omului; experienta psihologica; experienta etica; experienta - relatia subiect/ obiect; limbaj - informatie - relaitate; experienta artistica
Topics (en): -
Position: B.0-SCH UDC: 168.2
Series: Erlanger Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsforschung
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Zukunftsstreit / Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Krull; Redaktion und Übersetzung von Uwe Opolka
Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2000, Göttingen , (carte) 416 p., ISBN 3-934730-17-5
Topics (ro): drepturile omului - perspective trans-culturale; rolul muncii - viata si societate - globalizare; ecologie - sec. XX - economie; biotehnologie; bioetica; informatie si cunoastere - era electronica; filosofie politica; stiinta si tehnologie - sec. XXI
Topics (en): human rights - cross-cultural perspectives; role of working - life and society - globalization; ecology - 20th century, the - economics; biotechnology; bioethics; information and knowledge - electronic period; political philosophy; science and technology
Position: B.17-KRU UDC: 32.009:330:34:575
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Le Débat: histoire, politique, société/ Directeur: Pierre Nora
Gallimard, 1992-1997;1987;1990, Paris , (periodic) , ISSN 0246-2346
Topics (ro): laicitate; protectionism; postcomunism; religiozitate; opinie - informatie - ratiune; drept - putere; monarhie; structuralism; democratie - utopie; economie; politica - istorie - societate; memorie; comemorare; patrimoniu; sociologie; Paris; antisemitism
Topics (en): secularity; protectionism; post-communism; religiousness ( religiosity); opinion - information - reason; law - power; monarchy; structuralism; democracy - Utopia; economics; politics - history - society; memory; commemoration; patrimony; sociology; Paris;
Position: periodic; AS/P-77 - AS/P-79 UDC: 30+32+94

5. *
Filosofia e Informatione/ direttore: Enrico Castelli
CEDAM - Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 1967, Padova , (carte) 152p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - informatie - stiinte; comunicare - informatie - limbaj poetic; fizica - informatie
Topics (en): philosophy - information - sciences; communication - information - poetic language; physics - information
Position: AS/G-30 UDC: 130.1
Series: Archivio di Filosofia/ Organo dell'Istituto di Studi Filosofici

6. *
The Politics of Information in Early Modern Europe/ Edited by Brendan Dooley and Sabrina A. Baron
Routledge, 2001, London and New York , (carte) viii, 310p., ISBN 0-415-20310-4
Topics (ro): presa si politica - Europa - sec.XVII; manuscrise - tipar - Europa - sec.XVII; politica informationala - Europa - sec. XVI-XVII; stiri - informatie politica
Topics (en): press and politics - Europe - 17th century; manuscripts - printing ( tipography) - Europe - 17th century; informational politics - Europe - 16th-17th centuries; news - political information
Position: H.0a-DOO UDC: 070:008(4)"15/16"
Series: Routledge Studies in Cultural History; 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Art, Technology, Consciousness mind@large / Edited by Roy Ascott
Intellect Ltd, 2000, Bristol, UK - Portland, OR, USA , (carte) 204 p., ISBN 1-84150-041-0
Topics (ro): arta vizuala - computer, inteligenta artificiala - sec. XXI; arta telematica - sec. XX; arta - era informatiei - media interactiva; arta - tehnologie - sec. XX; arta contemporana - sec. XX; sisteme tehnologice - arta vizuala - sec. XXI
Topics (en): visual art - computer, artificial intelligence - 21st century; telematic - 20th century, the; fine arts - information era - interactive media; fine arts - technology - 20th century, the; contemporary art - 20th century, the; technology systems - visual ar
Position: U.172-ASC UDC: 7.039
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Alexander, Neville; Appiah, Kwame Anthony; Arunachalam, Subbiah; Berger, Suzanne; Bréchignac, Catherine; Brook, Richard; Dasgupta, Partha S.; Eide, Asbjorn; Elkana, Yehuda; Encarnação, José Luis; Grubb, Michael; Imura, Hiroo; Krull, Wilhelm; Meadows,
Debates on Issues of Our Common Future / Edited by Wilhelm Krull; Translation by Helen Schoop; Subeditor: Uwe Opolka
Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2000, Göttingen , (carte) 360 p.
Topics (ro): informatie si cunoastere - era electronica; bioetica; ecologie - sec. XX - economie; rolul muncii - viata si societate - globalizare; biotehnologie; drepturile omului - perspective trans-culturale; filosofie politica; stiinta si tehnologie - sec. XXI
Topics (en): information and knowledge - electronic period; bioethics; ecology - 20th century, the - economics; role of working - life and society - globalization; biotechnology; human rights - cross-cultural perspectives; political philosophy; science and technology
Position: B.17-KRU UDC: 32.009:330:34:575

9. Allen, Anita L.; Brown, Wendy; Cohen, Jean; Cooke, Maeve; Gatens, Moira; Honneth, Axel; Koch, Gertrud; Kumar, Krishan; Lacey, Nicola; Pauer-Studer, Herlinde; Reiman, Jeffrey; Rössler, Beate; Young, Iris Marion
Privacies: Philosophical Evaluations / Edited by Beate Rössler
Stanford University Press, 2004, Stanford, California , (carte) xiv, 232 p., ISBN 0-8047-4564-1 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie - intimitate, dreptul la; intimitate - doctrine; gen si intimitate - traditia liberala - critica; autonomie personala - drept - hartuire sexuala - intimitate; intimitate - corp - publicitate; tehnologia informatiei - intimitate - riscuri
Topics (en): philosophy - privacy, right of; privacy - doctrines; gender and privacy - liberal tradition - critique; personal autonomy - law - sexual harassment - privacy; privacy - body - publicity; information technology - privacy - risks
Position: A.17-ROS UDC: 176
Series: Cultural Memory in the Present
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Armanca, Brindusa
Ghid de comunicare pentru jurnalisti si purtatori de cuvânt/ Brindusa Armanca; [Prefata: Brede Kristensen]
Editura Mirton, 2002, Timisoara , (carte) 240p., ISBN 973-585-715-4
Topics (ro): comunicare - informatie - jurnalism; mass media - justitie - comunicare publica
Topics (en): communication - information - journalism; mass media - justice - public communication
Position: Vm-ARM UDC: 316.77
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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