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1. *
:Engel, :Engel: Legenden der Gegenwart / (Hrsg.): Cathrin Pichler
Springer, 1997, Wien-New York , (carte) 354 p., ISBN 3-85247-012-9
Topics (ro): angelologie - studii; ingeri - religie; ingeri - arta; mistica - ingeri; ingeri - literatura - poezie
Topics (en): angelology - studies; angels - religion; angels - fine arts; mystic - angels; angels - literature - poetry
Position: G.0-PICH UDC: 235:73:821
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Amersfoort, J. van; Bianchi, U.; Broek, R. van den; Colpe, C.; Culianu, I. P.; Dörrie, H.; Drijvers, H. J. W.; Flamant, J.; Fossum, J.; Grant, R. M.; Gruenwald, I.; Guillaumont, A.; Harl, Marguerite; Klijn, A. F. J.; Mahé, J.-P.; Mansfeld, J. [...]
Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic Religions: presented to Gilles Quispel on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday/ edited by R. Van den Broek and M.J. Vermaseren
E.J. Brill, 1981, Leiden , (carte) xiv, 622 p., ISBN 90.04.06376.5
Topics (ro): gnosticism - filosofie greaca; mitologie greaca; religie elenistica; maniheism; polemica anti-gnosticism; ingeri - dualism gnostic; crestinism - erezie
Topics (en): gnosticism - Greek philosophy; Greek mythology; Hellenistic religion; Manichaeism/ Manicheism; anti-Gnosticism polemic; angels - gnostic dualism; Christianity / Christianism - heresy
Position: G.1r52a-BRO UDC: 273.1
Series: Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'Empire Roman; tome 91
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Augustin, sf. ( Augustinus Aurelianus, 354-430)
Despre îngeri si oameni / Sfântul Augustin; Traducere din limba latina, introducere si note de Bogdan Tataru-Cazaban
Humanitas, 2005, Bucuresti , (carte) 142 p., ISBN 973-50-0852-1
Topics (ro): religie - Crestinism - antichitate tarzie; patristica - Augustin, Sf. - sec. IV; religie - crestinism - patristica latina - Augustin, Sf. - ingeri
Topics (en): religion - Christianity - late antiquity; patristics - Augustine, Saint, 354-450 - 4th century; religion - Christianity - Latin patristics - Augustine, Saint - angels
Position: A.2-AUG UDC: 276
Series: Intelepciune si credinta
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

4. Blumenberg, Hans
Matthäuspassion / Hans Blumenberg
Suhrkamp Verlag, 1991, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 320 p., ISBN 3-518-01998-8
Topics (ro): muzica - Matthäuspassion - Bach, Johann Sebastian; filosofie - estetica creatiei - existentialism; filosofia religiei - Dumnezeu - paradis - patriarh - muzica; ingeri - Buna-Vestire; Iisus - cuvint - Golgota; Mesia - profet - sibila
Topics (en): music - Matthäuspassion - Bach, Johann Sebastian; philosophy - aesthetics of creation - existentialism; philosophy of religion - God - Paradise - patriarch - music; angels - Annunciacion; Jesus - word - Golgotha; Messiah - Prophet, The - sibyl, the
Position: Uf-BLU UDC: 141.4:211:213
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Browne, Thomas, Sir [1605-1682]
Religio Medici/ Sir Thomas Browne; Edited and annotated by James Winny
At the University Press, 1963, Cambridge , (carte) xxxiv, 154p.
Topics (ro): Religia unui medic - credinte - sec. XVII - ingeri - vrajitorie
Topics (en): religion of a physician- beliefs - 17th c.- angels - witchcraft
Position: MT/B-30 UDC: 133:61

6. Browne, Thomas, Sir [1605-1682]
Religio Medici / Thomas Browne; précédé d'une Lettre à l'éditeur de Daniel Halévy, d'une Préface de Louis Cazamian; traduit de l'anglais par Charles Chassé
Éditions Stock, 1947, Paris , (carte) XXVIII, 194p.
Topics (ro): Religia unui medic - credinte - sec. XVII - ingeri - vrajitorie
Topics (en): religion of a physician- beliefs - 17th c.- angels - witchcraft
Position: MT/C-873 UDC: 133:61
Series: Collection ''A la Promenade''

7. Cattin, Yves; Faure, Philippe
Les Anges et leur image au Moyen Âge / Yves Cattin, Philippe Faure
Zodiaque, 1999, Orléans , (carte) 296 p., ISBN 2-7369-0250-5, ISSN 1286-4919
Topics (ro): angelologie - ingeri - imagologie - Evul Mediu; crestinism - ingeri - imagine - Evul Mediu; religie crestina - ingeri - exegeza
Topics (en): angelology - angels - imago - Middle Ages; Christianity / Christianism - angels - image - Middle Ages; Christian religion - angels - exegesis, Biblical
Position: G.0-CAT UDC: 235"04/14"
Series: Visages du Moyen Âge
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Colilli, Paul
The Angel's Corpse / Paul Colilli
Macmillan, 1999, London , (carte) x, 190 p., ISBN 0-333-80216-0
Topics (ro): poetologie - filosofie; filosofie lirica; poetica - filosofie; inger - imagine - filosofie; angelologie - religie; poetica - ingeri
Topics (en): poetology - philosophy; lyrical philosophy; poetics - philosophy; angel - image - philosophy; angelology - religion; poetics - angels
Position: G.0-COL UDC: 82-1:235
Series: Semaphores and Signs
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Colombas, Garcia M.
Paraiso y vida angélica: sentido escatologico de la vocacion cristiana/ Dom Garcia M. Colombo, Monje de Montserrat
Abadia de Montserrat, 1958, Montserrat , (carte) 310 p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - angelologie - ingeri; religie - crestinism - teologie dogmatica - Paradis - viata angelica
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - angelology - angels; religion - Christianity / Christianism - dogmatic theology - Paradise - angelic life
Position: AS/G-79 UDC: 235.1
Series: Biblioteca - Vida Cristiana; 3

10. Daniélou, Jean
Les anges et leur mission / Jean Daniélou; d'après les Pères de l'Église
Desclée, 1990, Paris , (carte) 174 p., ISBN 2-7189-0471-2
Topics (ro): teologie - ingeri - angelologie; religie cosmica - ingeri; ingeri - ascensiune; ingeri - nativitate; biserica - ingeri; viata spirituala - ingeri; ingeri - moarte
Topics (en): theology - angels - angelology; cosmic religion - angels; angels - ascension; angels - Nativity; Church, the - angels; spiritual life - angels; angels - death
Position: G.0-DAN UDC: 235
Series: Collection «Essais»
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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