New Europe College

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1. *
Encyclopedia of Science and Religion, Volume I: A-I / J. Wentzel Vrede van Huyssteen, Editor in Chief
Macmillan Reference USA, 2003, New York , (carte) xxxviii, 476 p., ISBN 0-02-865706-3, ISSN 0-02-865704-7 (set)
Topics (ro): stiinta si biserica - enciclopedie; antropologie - religie - enciclopedie; descoperiri stiintifice - religie, influente - enciclopedia; religie si stiinta - enciclopedie; inginerie genetica - religie - enciclopedie
Topics (en): science and Church - encyclopaedia; anthropology - religion - encyclopaedia; scientific discoveries - religion, influences - encyclopaedia; religion and science - encyclopaedia; genetic engineering - religion - encyclopaedia
Position: G:B-HUY (1)* UDC: 291.1'75(031)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Annas, George J.; Beaufort, Inez de; Bubeck, Diemut; Burley, Justine; Chadwick, Ruth; Clayton, Matthew; Dawkins, Richard; Gostin, Lawrence; Harris, John; Hedgecoe, Adam; Holm, Soren; Kassim, Hussein; Kirkwood, Tom; Kitcher, Philip; [...]
A Companion to Genethics / Edited by Justine Burley and John Harris
Blackwell Publishers, 2002, Malden, MA - Oxford , (carte) xiv, 490 p., ISBN 0-631-20698-1 (hbk)
Topics (ro): stiinta - medicina - genetica - noi terapii; biologie si medicina - clonare - aspecte etice; biotehnologie - inginerie genetica - clonare; genetica si identitate personala - genotip - fenotip - determinism genetic
Topics (en): science - medicine - genetics - new therapies; biology and medicine - cloning - ethical aspects; biotechnology - genetic engineering - cloning; genetics and personal identity - genotype - phenotype - genetic determinism
Position: B.17-BUR UDC: 575
Series: Blackwell Companions to Philosophy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Blackbourn, David
The Conquest of Nature: water, landscape and the making of modern Germany / David Blackbourn
W.W. Norton & Company, [2007], New York, London , (carte) XII, 446p.:il., h., ISBN 978-0-393--32999-5
Topics (ro): istorie - Germania - imbunatatiri funciare - sec.XVIII/XX; Germania - ecologie - aspecte politice; Germania - inginerie hidraulica
Topics (en): history - Germany - land improvements - 18th/20th c.; Germany - ecology - political aspects; Germany - Hydraulic engineering
Position: J.06-BLA UDC: 621.2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Carlson, Deborah DiVerdi; Carman, Eric; Conger, Kevin; Day, John S.; Goldsmith, Wendi; Hargreaves, George; Horne, Michael; Hough, Michael; Jackson, Lucinda; Kirkwood, Niall; Krinke, Rebecca; [...]
Manufactures Sites: Rethinking the Post-Industrial Landscape / Edited by Niall Kirkwood
Spon Press, 2001, London and New York , (carte) xvi, 256 p., ISBN 0-415-24365-3 (hbk)
Topics (ro): arhitectura urbana - reinnoire urbana; arhitectura peisagistica urbana - aspecte de mediu - proprietate industriala; dezvoltare urbana - zone industriale - inginerie; arhitectura urbana - peisaj post-industrial - sec. XX; urbanism - tehnologie - sec. XX
Topics (en): urban architecture - urban renewal; urban landscape architecture - environmental aspects - industrial estate; urban development - industrial lands - engineering; urban architecture - post-industrial landscape - 20th century; urban planning - technology -
Position: Ua.17-KIR UDC: 725.4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Diesel, Eugen
Das Phänomen der Technik: Zeugnisse, Deutung und Wirklichkeit/ Eugen Diesel
Philipp Reclam Jun.; VDI-Verlag, 1939, Leipzig; Berlin , (carte) 258p.
Topics (ro): tehnica - progres; tehnologie - stiinta; inginerie; inventii - creatia tehnica
Topics (en): -
Position: CP-80 UDC: 6

6. Frey, Raymond Gillespie; Wellman, Christopher Heath; Beauchamp, Tom L.; Darwall, Stephen L.; Waldron, Jeremy; Simmons, A. John; Miller, Richard W.; Dolinko, David; Moody-Adams, Michele; Alexander, Larry; Sumner, L. W.; [...]
A Companion to Applied Ethics / Edited by R. G. Frey and Christopher Heath Wellman
Blackwell Publishing, 2003, Malden, MA - Oxford , (carte) xviii, 698 p., ISBN 1-55786-594-9 (hbk)
Topics (ro): etica aplicata - teorii; capitalism si marxism - drepturi de proprietate; rasism; sexism; pornografie si cenzura; etica sexuala; cetatenie; nationalism; terorism; bioetica - eutanasia; inginerie genetica - clonare
Topics (en): applied ethics - theories; capitalism and marxism - property rights; racism; sexism; pornography and censorship; sexual ethics; citizenship; nationalism; terrorism; bioethics - euthanasia; genetic engineering - cloning
Position: Ab.0-FRE UDC: 170
Series: Blackwell Companions to Philosophy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Fukuyama, Francis
Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution / Francis Fukuyama
Profile Books, 2002, London , (carte) x, 256 p., ISBN 1-86197-297-0
Topics (ro): drepturile omului; neurofarmacologie; control politic - biotehnologie - ordine politica; futurologie; stiinta - sec. XXI - biotehnologie - inginerie genetica -etica aplicata; demnitate umana; filosofie politica - Fukuyama, Francis - sec. XXI; natura umana
Topics (en): human rights; neuro-pharmacology; political control - biotechnology - political order; futurology; science - 21st century - biotechnology - genetic engineering - applied ethics; human dignitiy; political philosophy - Fukuyama, Francis - 21st century; huma
Position: J.01-FUK UDC: 32.01:575
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Fukuyama, Francis
Viitorul nostru postuman: Consecintele revolutiei biotehnologice / Francis Fukuyama; Traducere din engleza de Mara Radulescu
Humanitas, 2004, Bucuresti , (carte) 300 p., ISBN 973-50-0714-2
Topics (ro): drepturile omului; neurofarmacologie; control politic - biotehnologie - ordine politica; futurologie; stiinta - sec. XXI - biotehnologie - inginerie genetica -etica aplicata; demnitate umana; filosofie politica - Fukuyama, Francis - sec. XXI
Topics (en): human rights; neuro-pharmacology; political control - biotechnology - political order; futurology; science - 21st century - biotechnology - genetic engineering - applied ethics; human dignity; political philosophy - Fukuyama, Francis - 21st century
Position: J.01-FUK UDC: 57.62
Series: Pasi peste granite
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

9. Gatejel, Luminita
Engineering the Lower Danube: technology and international cooperation in an imperial borderland / Luminita Gatejel
Central European University Press, 2022, Budapest , (carte) XVI,331p.: il., ISBN 978-963-386-579-8, ISSN 2306-3637
Topics (ro): fluviul Dunarea - inginerie fluviala; istorie - Europa de est - sec.XIX
Topics (en): river Danube, the - river engineering; history - Eastern Europe - 19th c.
Position: H.1721-GAT UDC: 94(4-11:282.243.7)''18''
Series: Historical Studies in Eastern Europa and Eurasia; volume IX
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Graham, Gordon
Genes: A philosophical inquiry/ Gordon Graham
Routledge, 2002, London and New York , (carte) 196p., ISBN 0-415-25258-X
Topics (ro): genetica - stiinta - filosofie - tehnologie; inginerie genetica
Topics (en): -
Position: B.17-GRA UDC: 575.11
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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