New Europe College

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1. Aeppli, Ernest [ psihanalist elvetian din scoala lui Gustav Jung, 1892-1954]
Psychologie du conscient et de l'inconscient/ Ernest Aeppli; Traduction du Dr. H. Stern et de L. Fourny
Payot, 1953, Paris , (carte) 240p.
Topics (ro): psihologia constitentului - psihologia inconstientului; corp si suflet; constiinta; instincte; extraversiune - introversiune; behaviourism; tipuri psihologice
Topics (en): psychology of the conscious - psychology of the unconscious; body and soul; conscience; instincts; extraversion - introversion; behaviourism; psychological types
Position: MT/A-3669 UDC: 159.9
Series: Bibliothèque scientifique

2. Delay, Jean [ psihiatru, neurolog si scriitor francez, 1907-1987]; Pichot, Pierre [ psihiatru, n. 1918]
Abrégé de Psychologie: à l'usage de l'étudiant/ par Jean Delay et Pierre Pichot
Masson & Cie, Éditeurs, 1964, Paris , (carte) v, 490p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - definitii - metode - orientari; senzatia si perceptia; nevoi - instincte - pulsiuni; conflicte - tendinte - motivatii; emotii; patologie; memorie; conduita expresiva; conduita intelectuala; personalitate; psihoterapie
Topics (en): Psychology - definitions - methods - guidelines; sensation and perception; needs - instincts - impulses; conflicts - trends - motivations; emotions; pathology; memory; expressive conduct; intellectual conduct; personality; psychotherapy
Position: MT/A-3681 UDC: 159.9

3. Dumas, Georges [ psiholog francez, 1866-1946]; Larguier des Bancels, Jean [ biolog si psiholog, 1876-1961]; Meyerson, Ignace [ psiholog francez de origine poloneza, 1888-1983]
Les besoins. Les tendances. Les images/ par G. Dumas, J. Larguier des Bancels, I. Meyerson
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1937, Paris , (extras) pp. 443-606
Topics (ro): psihologie - necesitati; psihologie - tendinte instinctive - instincte; psihologie - imagini - imagine si gindire; imagine - perceptie - senzatie; clase de imagini
Topics (en): Psychology - needs; Psychology - instinctive tendencies - instincts; Psychology - images - image and thinking; image - perception - feeling; classes of images
Position: MT/A-3645 UDC: 159.9
Series: Nouveau Traité de Psychologie; Tome deuxième; fasc. 5

4. Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)
Volume XXIII (1937-1939): Moses and Monotheism. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis and Other Works / Sigmund Freud; translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey; in collaboration with Anna Freud; assisted by Alix Strachey and Alan Tyson
Vintage - The Hogarth Press, 2001, London , (carte) viii, 326 p., ISBN 0-09-942678-1
Topics (ro): psihanaliza - Freud, Sigmund; religie monoteista - Moise - iudaism; teoria instinctelor; tehnicile psihnalizei; antisemitism - psihanaliza
Topics (en): psycho-analysis - Freud, Sigmund; monotheist religion - Moses - Judaism; theory of instincts; technics of psycho-analysis; anti-Semitism - psychoanalysis
Position: Da.2-FREUD (23) UDC: 159.964.2*Freud, S.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Lorenz, Konrad (1903-1989)
On Aggression / Konrad Lorenz; Translated by Marjorie Kerr Wilson; With a foreword by Julian Huxley
Routledge, 2002, London - New York , (carte) xiv, 306 p., ISBN 0-415-28320-5 (pbk)
Topics (ro): stiinta - istorie naturala - comportamentul animalelor - violenta - agresiune; psihologie animala - agresiune - instincte - morala
Topics (en): science - natural history - animal behaviour - violence - aggression; animal psychology - aggression - instincts - moral philosophy
Position: B.17.2-LOR UDC: 636.000.159.9
Series: Routledge Classics
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Lorenz, Konrad (1903-1989)
L'agression: Une histoire naturelle du mal/ Konrad Lorenz; Traduit de l'allemand par Vilma Fritsch
Flammarion Éditeur, 1969, Paris , (carte) 315p.
Topics (ro): stiinta - istorie naturala - comportamentul animalelor - violenta - agresiune; psihologie animala - agresiune - instincte - morala; etologie
Topics (en): science - natural history - animal behaviour - violence - aggression; animal psychology - aggression - instincts - moral philosophy; ethology
Position: MT/A-3988 UDC: 636.000.159.9
Series: Nouvelle bibliothèque scientifique

7. Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860)
Métaphysique de l'amour. Métaphysique de la mort/ par Schopenhauer; Introduction par Martial Gueroult; Traduction nouvelle par Marianna Simon
Union générale d'Éditions, 1964, Paris , (carte) 181, [10]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie germana moderna - Schopenhauer, Arthur - sec.XIX; metafizica iubirii; metafizica mortii; sexualitate - instincte
Topics (en): modern German philosophy - Schopenhauer, Arthur - 19th c.; metaphysics of love; metaphysics of death; sexuality - instincts
Position: MT/A-2802 UDC: 14*Schopenhauer, Arthur
Series: Le monde en 10/18; 207