Beyond EU-Enlargement: Volume 2: The Agenda of Stabilisation for Southeastern Europe / Wim van Meurs (ed.)
Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, 2001, Gütersloh
, (carte) 284 p., ISBN 3-89204-549-6
Topics (ro): integrare europeana; stabilitate (agenda de) - Europa de Sud-Est; Uniunea Europeana - integrarea tarilor sud-est europene; securitatea pan-europeana; minoritati nationale - Europa de Sud-Est; probleme de viza - tari sud-est europene Topics (en): European integration; stabilisation, agenda of - South-Eastern Europe; European Union - EU Eastern Enlargement; Pan-European security; national minorities - South-Eastern Europe; Visa and border issues - East European countries | | Position: H.1724-MEU (2)
UDC: 327.39(4)
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