Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century France: Volume 2: The Religion of the People and the Politics of Religion / John McManners
Clarendon Press, 1998, Oxford
, (carte) XIV, 866 p., ISBN 0-19-826963-3
Topics (ro): istoria bisericii crestine - catolicism - Franta - sec. XVIII; crestinism, istorie - Franta - minoritati religioase - toleranta religioasa; politica religioasa - Franta - sec. XVIII; religie - crestinism - Biserica Catolica, istorie - Franta - sec. XVIII Topics (en): history of Christian Church - Catholicism - France - 18th century; Chrisatianity/ Christianism - history - France - religious minorities - religious tolerance; religious policy - France - 18th century; religion - Christianity / Christianism - Catholic Chu | | Position: G.1r532-McM (2)
UDC: 282(44)"17"
Series: Oxford History of the Christian Church |
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |