New Europe College

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1. *
Regele Carol I in rapoartele diplomatice austro-ungare 1877-1914: volumul 2: 1896-1908 / studiul introductiv, traducerea, adaptarea si notele Sorin Cristescu
Paideia, 2013, Bucuresti , (carte) 447p., ISBN 978-973-596-924-0; 978-973-596-898-4
Topics (ro): istorie - Romania - relatii internationale - 1896-1908; Carol I - rege al României - 1839-1914
Topics (en): history - Romania - international relations - 1896-1908; Carol I - king of Romania - 1839-1914
Position: Vh.5-CAR-Cri UDC: 94(498)1913/1914(093.2);327(498:436-44)1913/1914(0
Series: Emblematic
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC