Identitatea evreiasca si antisemitismul în Europa centrala si de sud-est = The Hebrew Identity and Anti-Semitism in Central and South-Eastern Europe - Jüdische Identität und Antisemitismus in Zentral- und Südosteuropa / Publicatie a Goethe Institut Inter Nationes cu sprijinul Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe
META, 2003, Bucuresti
, (carte) 334 p., ISBN 973-86344-0-7
Topics (ro): istorie - evrei - antisemitism - Europa centrala; istorie - evrei - antisemitism - Europa de Sud-Est; identitate evreiasca; cultura europeana - evrei - antisemitism; istorie - evrei - antisemitism - România Topics (en): history - Jews, the - anti- Semitism - Central Europe; history - Jews, the - anti- Semitism - South-Eastern Europe; Jewish identity; European culture - Jews, the - antisemitism; history - Jews, the - anti- Semitism - Romania | | Position: Vh.812-OIS
UDC: 94(=411.16)
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