Evreii din Transilvania: Destin istoric = The Jews of Transylvania: A Historical Destiny/ Ladislau Gyémánt; Translated by Simona Farcasan
Institutul Cultural Român; Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2004, Cluj-Napoca
, (carte) 314p., ISBN 973-86871-3-6
Topics (ro): istorie - evreii din Transilvania - România; evreii ardeleni in sec.XVIII - epoca emanciparii (1790-1867); evrei - istorie - al doilea razboi mondial - holocaust - perioada postbelica Topics (en): history - Jews from Transylvania - Romania; Transylvanian Jews in 18th c. - age of emancipation (1790-1867); Jews - history - the second world war - holocaust - post-war era | | Position: Vh.812-GYE
UDC: 323.1(=411.16)(498.4)
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