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1. *
Polis: Revista de studii politice = Political Science Journal/ editor: IMAS-SA; redactor sef: Calin Anastasiu
IMAS-SA, 1994-1999, Bucuresti , (periodic) , ISSN 1221-9762
Topics (ro): stiinte politice; politica; nationalism; democratie; etnocratie; libertate; Uniunea Europeana - institutii; comunism; politologie; liberalism; conservatorism; filosofie politica; elite politice
Topics (en): political sciences; politics; nationalism; democracy; ethnocracy; liberty, freedom; European Union - institutions; communism; politology; liberalism; conservatism; political philosophy; political elites
Position: periodic UDC: 32.01

2. *
Freedom for Publishing, Publishing for Freedom: The Central and East European Publishing Project/ Edited by Timothy Garton Ash; with contributions from Ralf Dahrendorf, Richard Davy, Elizabeth Winter
Central European University Press, 1995, Budapest; London; New York , (carte) 201p., ISBN 1-85866-055-6
Topics (ro): libertatea presei - Europa de est
Topics (en): freedom of press - Eastern Europe
Position: M-GAR UDC: 07
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Les usages de la liberté: Textes des conférences et des entretiens organisés par les trente-deuxièmes Rencontres Internationales de Genève, 1989/ Jacqueline de Romilly, Francis Blanchard, Salvatore Veca, [etc.]
Histoire et société d'aujourd'hui, Editions de la Baconnière, 1989, Neuchatel , (carte) 324p., ISBN 2-8252-0681-4
Topics (ro): libertate - libertati; clasa muncitoare - sindicalism - libertate; libertate pozitiva - libertate negativa - SUA; poezie - libertate; modernitate - criza; libertate - religie; perestroika - URSS - libertate; modernitate - criza
Topics (en): liberty, freedom - liberties; working class, the - trade-unionism ( syndicalism) - liberty; positive freedom - negative freedom - USA; poetry - liberty, freedom; modernity - crisis; liberty, freedom - religion; perestroika - USSR - liberty, freedom; moder
Position: 0.0-RIG (32) UDC: 123+342.72/.73
Series: Rencontres Internationales de Genève; XXXII
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
The Lesson of this Century: with two talks on freedom and the democratic state / Karl Popper interviewed by Giancarlo Bossetti; Translated by Patrick Camiller
Routledge, 1997, London, New York , (carte) 96p., ISBN 0-415-12958-3
Topics (ro): politica - democratie - libertate - sec.XX - Popper, Karl R. (1902-1994); libertate - intelectualitate - responsabilitate; comunism
Topics (en): politics - democracy - liberty, freedom - 20th century - Popper, Karl R., 1902-1994; liberty, freedom - intellectuality - responsability; communism
Position: A.2-POPP UDC: 141.7*POPPER
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Herbert Spencer and the Limits of the State: The Late Nineteenth-century Debate between Individualism and Collectivism/ Edited and Introduced by Michael Taylor
Thoemmes Press, 1996, Bristol , (carte) xxvi, 270 p., ISBN 1-85506-452-9
Topics (ro): politica - filosofie - sec.XIX; Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) - filosofie politica - teoria statului - sec.XIX; filosofie - individualism - colectivism; empirism in politica; individualism moderat; libertate si socialism; socialism economic; anarhism
Topics (en): politics - philosophy - 19th century; Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) - political philosophy - theory of the state - 19th century; philosophy - individualism - collectivism; empiricism in politics; moderate individualism; freedom and socialism; economical so
Position: J.163-SPE-Tay UDC: 14"18"Spencer,Herber
Series: Key Issues; 13
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
From Witness to Witchcraft: Jews and Judaism in Medieval Christian Thought / edited by Jeremy Cohen
Harrassowitz Verlag, 1996, Wiesbaden , (carte) vi, 448 p., ISBN 3-447-03901-9
Topics (ro): evreii si iudaismul in crestinism - Evul Mediu; crestinism (Evul Mediu) si iudaism; justitie divina si libertate umana - Sf. Augustin despre evrei si iudaism, 392-398; vrajitorie si iudaism in scrierile religioase crestine - Evul Mediu
Topics (en): Jews and the Judaism in the Christendom - Middle Ages; Christianity/ Christianism and Judaism - Middle Ages; divine justice - human freedom - Augustine, Saint, on Jews and Judaism, 392-398; witchcraft and Judaism in Christian religios writings - Middle Ag
Position: G.1r52c-COH UDC: 23/28:296
Series: Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien; Bd. 11
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Die Demokratie im Spektrum der Wissenschaften/ Beiträge von: Helmut Fahrenbach, Dietrich Geyer, Klaus Hartmann, Rudolf Hrbek, Norbert Kloten, Wilhelm Korff, Hans Mayer, Johannes Neumann, Gerhard Schulz, Nikolaus Wenturis; hrsg. von Klaus Hartmann
Verlag Karl Alber, 1980, Freiburg/ München , (carte) 368p., ISBN 3-495-47450-1
Topics (ro): democratie - constitutie - norma; libertate - filosofie; socialism - democratie - teorie sociala; dictatura - democratie; Uniunea Europeana - democratie; economie - democratie
Topics (en): democracy - constitution - norm; liberty, freedom - philosophy; socialism - democracy - social theory; dictatorship - democracy; European Union - democracy; economics - democracy
Position: Jb-HAR UDC: 321.7
Series: Alber-Broschur Rechts- und Sozialiwissenschaft
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Index on Censorship: The Magazine for Free Speach [since 1999: for free expression]/ Editor: Ursula Owen
Writers and Scholars International Ltd., 1994-2000, London , (periodic) , ISSN 0306-4220
Topics (ro): libertatea cuvintului - cenzura; stiinte sociale; drepturile omului; homosexualitate (gay); toleranta - intoleranta; globalizare; media; rasism - tigani - negri
Topics (en): freedom of speech - censorship; social sciences; human rights; homosexuality ( gay); tolerance - intolerance; globalization; media; racism - Gipsies, the - Negros
Position: periodic UDC: 30+32+33+34

9. *
Mind: A Quarterly Review of Philosophy / Editor: M. G. E. Martin; Reviews Editor: Paul Noordhof
Oxford University Press, 1999/2012, Oxford , (periodic) cca 320 p., ISSN 0026-4423
Topics (ro): logica modala - semantica; cunoastere; etica feminista; filosofia mintii - philosophy of mind; rationalism; psihologie - ratiune - minte; moralita; metafilosofie - vointa libera; estetica; intuitionism; libertate si responsabilitate; perceptie si ratiune
Topics (en): modal logic - semantics; knowledge; feminist ethics; philosophy of mind - philosophy of mind; rationalism; psychology - reason - mind; morality; metaphilosophy - free will; aesthetics; intuitionism; liberty and responsability; perception and reason
Position: Periodic; MT/A-4162 UDC: 1(091):141.132

10. *
Liberté chrétienne et libération/ Introduction de Marie-Dominique Chenu
Les éditions du Cerf, 1986, Paris , (carte) 104p., ISBN 2-204-02586-0
Topics (ro): crestinism - teologie dogmatica; teologia libertatii - libertate crestina - eliberare
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - dogmatic theology; theology of liberty/ freedom - Christian liberty/ freedom - liberation
Position: AS/G-110 UDC: 23
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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