Ruodlieb: The Earliest Courtly Novel (after 1050)/ Introduction, text, translation, commentary and textual notes by Edwin H. Zeydel
The University of North Carolina Press, 1959, Chapel Hill, NC
, (carte) [12], 165p.
Topics (ro): literatura latina medievala - roman medieval - sec.XI - text latin - versiune engleza; comentariu in l. engleza; poet german medieval - roman fragmentar in versuri latine - aventuri cavaleresti - moravuri feudale Topics (en): medieval Latin literature - medieval novel - 11th c. - Latin text - English version; English commentary; medieval German poet - fragmentary romance in Latin verses - Knightly adventures - feudal manners | | Position: DS/E-25
UDC: 821.124-31"10"
Series: UNC Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures; Nr.23 |
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